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Harrison Park #Pop28 feeder ride

(39 posts)

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  1. MeepMeep

    Oops, apologies - double post!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Uberuce

    Zazou is the RV point for the main event, yarp.

    I think Mr MeepMeep is onto something; the way I imagine it, it's going to be a collection of families anyway and they'll stick together come hell or high water, so it's just a matter of suggesting that they bind up in groups of two or three and that's your platoons of 10 all settled.

    If you can make it to Diggers at 7.30pm, we're hoping to get all the forseeable details thrashed out then, so one or both of the MeepMeeps are more than welcome.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Greenroofer

    Some intense negotiations going on at Greenroofer Towers about who will come...

    One concern is how we get back from the event. It's fine going there in convoy, but do we plan to return in the same fashion or come back individually? Either way, what's the best route?

    I'm keen on a nice quiet one if I have a coxswean in tow (literally).

    Here's what Cyclestreets says

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. SRD

    I'd come up from Holyrood by the Commie Pool and across via Strathhearn to Holy Corner and then down Merchiston Ave, but I did that route at rush hour for years avec small child, so a Saturday afternoon doesn't phase me!

    The cyclestreets route looks good to me, especially if child is cycling on its own, although your post suggest trailerbike or similar.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. chdot

    CycleStreets route should be fine - probably involving pushing up steep path out of Dumbiedykes.

    Steep hill from Dumbiedykes

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. DaveC

    I thougth I'd resurect this thread (sorry folks) to say what a great ride we had. We arrived at SRD towers (a lovely country park on the outskirts of Polwarth) and were met by the butler and house keeper?? (a bearded man and a short woman). They were very welcoming and lent us tag along which I attached to SWMBO's bike. We were left to it as SRD and clan(adians) had to get off sharpish to the feeder. As we arrived at Harrison Perk we were met with huners oh cyclists and joined up with Mr and Mrs Instography and Co in the trailer. They must be film celebs as we never got our own trailer to wait in before the feeder ride started.

    The ride itself was ace and a prelude to the main event - although to be honest it felt like the main event (until we saw 3000+ cyclists later on!!) As we cycled along, en mass, up Gilerton Rd/Pl/ave (del as appropriate) I saw a flashing cyclists doing laps of the group. I assumed he must be on speed and just trying to burn off energy but when the cyclist had stopped at one point I saw it was Uberuce (of this parish) and said,

    "Hey Bruce, why do you have fins and a drysuit on you're bike?" as you do...

    At Kings we were greeted by the local smokeies but it was OK as they were on our side! They did a sterling job of deflecting taxis who were trying to join our feeder ride. I shouted at one,

    "Oi get you're own protest feeder ride!". tsk!!

    As we cycled through the meadows we were just aw struck at the number of cyclist already there, double or more our huge group. I had to take our two wee rascals to the park to play on swings and stuff as they were getting bored. When I returned I saw the number had grown out of all proportion and we duely (sp??) found Mr & Mrs Instograp again in their trailer, and took our place at the back of the line, which like grew and grew and grew.....

    What a fab time we had - and that was just the feeder ride!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. spytfyre

    Thanks DaveC for resurrecting the thread
    I missed the feeder ride home (the eater ride?)
    took the most direct route up Holyrood to canongate then fountainbridge and the canal with a few other families and their bairns, one of whom was not sure about my route but I was thinking of wee legs pedalling up too many hills via the Commie pool, the nasty roads between commie and Meadows, getting from meadows to canal or past the awful junction at the Kings...
    Next time I reckon walkie talkies to keep the group together, the front of the group shouldn't go through green lights if the back of the group stretched out and not going to make it.
    Thanks to the recumbent rider and chums for the added numbers (and distraction to drivers wondering what they just saw)
    I'd like to see more family group rides from HP to other spots - suggest Ratho along the canal as a starter for ten, Ocean Terminal via the Roseburn path after that, South Queensferry or Cramond at least... something not too far or hilly for the kids not on tow bikes...
    In fact I might just start a new thread for one

    Posted 12 years ago #
  8. SRD


    Posted 3 years ago #
  9. gembo

    Biketrain did then run a feeder train from Ratho, IIRC

    Posted 3 years ago #

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