An email to Lesley Hinds (June 24th):
Hello,Thanks for speaking at the bike breakfast last week!
During the breakfast bike rides I had the chance to speak to several people on my ride. One thing that kept coming up was that one-way streets need to be made two-way for cyclists (as cyclists don't need as much space, etc). Examples include Valleyfield Street (part of the family bike network), Leamington Road, Jane Street and many roads around Tollcross.
The one-way roads at the moment are often a considerable difficulty for cyclists. The alternative route is often very long, or dangerous and is usually completely unnecessary.
I was pleased to discover from SPOKES that the council has already promised to make such streets 2-way, and that item C11 (page 46) in your Active Travel Action Plan says: "Compile programme of exemption of cyclists from one-way restrictions by September 2011 and implement programme by April 2014."
I'm emailing first to say how much I support such an initiative, and second to ask if you could send me the programme of exemptions (so I can share it with the others on my ride, who were discussing the one-way roads).
Yours sincerely,
Mike Smith
PS For an example, the one-way restriction on Jane Street would mean a detour of over a km each day for my partner (see: ).
PPS I've cced my ward councillors in too.