Not in rubbish drving, even though it was, because it's another "conflict engineered-in" thing.
North bound down the Mound I try to end up in the right hand side of the bike box, so I can take a close-to-90 degree angle across the tramlines & not then have to do a 90 degree right turn infront of folowing traffic before going on up Hanover Street. ESPECIALLY when it's tipping down wet. Didn't get to the bike box; ended up two cars back but positioned on the right of the lane. But when we moved off the car behind me assumed I would stay at the right hand side of the lane, tried to undertake me, hammered on horn when he realised I was taking a line straight acros (so from his perspective moving in front of him), pulled back to my other side then gesticulated and yelled while driving next to me up Hanover Street. (Think he was trying to make "you are a loony" gesture, but instead he kept making a "gun to the head" gesture...)
Caught him at the lights, tapped on his door and tried to explain that I was crossing tram tracks, but he wasn't keen to see my side of things.
Mood: adrenaline shakes (mostly from interaction at his door); making a large white russian with leftover festive supplies; helpless anger at those responsible for road layout. Gah! There is NO route across that junction going north that doesn't risk either slipping on the tram tracks or getting swiped by drivers who won't leave you space to maneuver / don't understand what you're doing. Or almost clip you as you round the corner onto Hanover Street, forcing you into overspilling pedestrians waiting to cross or into the back of a taxi that's not properly in rank / double parked / opening its doors.