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  1. neddie

    I'd recommend not clicking the link. There's only 4 and half short paragraphs, containing almost no information.

    And some defamatory, inflamatory and divisive language like "the Spokes anti-car campaigners", designed to provoke people into hating other people who happen to use bikes. And we all know that translates into real danger to people on the roads.

    Despicable man

    Posted 9 months ago #
  2. Arellcat

    The EEN should really have a red top to the front page, and said article's author's column belongs in the DM.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  3. acsimpson

    Thanks for the warning Neddie, absolutely right not to give in their click bait.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  4. chdot

  5. chdot

    ICYMI: Report details why Edinburgh Trams are running late and with big gaps in frequency - but city council rubbishes it for "multiple inaccuracies".

    Posted 7 months ago #
  6. chdot

    From link

    Mr Drysdale claimed there “appears to be a deliberate move to remove tram priority where it previously existed, imposing yet more delays on the tram schedule and increasing stress for tram crews and passengers alike.

    “There is no evidence to suggest that this new policy of tram priority downgrading has been approved by the council, but rather it is a stance being taken unilaterally by the signalling team within the council, favouring motor vehicles over trams.”

    He said: “As well as design changes to the tram route during the planning stage, which left the tram exposed to traffic congestion on roads shared with general traffic, the council has been removing signal priority for the tram at busy junctions, leaving the tram waiting for minutes on end while road traffic flows freely around it.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  7. Dave

    That's a weird response from the council. It's so defensive it makes you wonder if there's more they are hiding. I don't work in PR but I can't imagine someone in PR dept signed that off!

    Posted 7 months ago #
  8. MediumDave

    Given that comment is attributed in the article to The Hon. Dr. Prof. Cllr. Scott Arthur I (sadly) don't find it strange at all...

    Posted 7 months ago #
  9. neddie

    tram priority downgrading has [not] been approved by the council, but rather it is a stance being taken unilaterally by the signalling team within the council, favouring motor vehicles over trams.

    Aye, I’ve a feeling the signalling team do this with the pedestrian crossings too…

    Councillors or community council ask for pedestrian wait times to be reduced and crossing time increased at a particular location. Then some months later, the signalling team revert the system back to the way it was, favouring motors again. (Noting that both states actually favour motors, it’s just been normalised that pedestrians have to wait. We’ll know when pedestrians have been prioritised when motorists have to push a button to “cross”)

    Honestly, they need to sack the entire signals team, and an anyone who identifies as a “roads engineer” or “road safety”, and replace them with contemporary urban planners.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  10. neddie

    The advanced-cycle-green on Morrison St when approaching Haymarket station used to be set to a paltry half-second advance timing over motors bearing down on you. Barely enough time to get 2 metres in front of any cars, certainly not enough to get clear of the tram tracks.

    Saw a lady on a bike get aggressively beeped there the other day. Then cycling that route last Tuesday evening, I notice there was no longer any cycle-advance - the cycle lights changed at the exact same time as the "car" lights!

    So who have the "signalling team" (unilaterally?) given the extra priority from the "saved" half second to? The tram? Or motors?

    Place your bets...

    Posted 7 months ago #
  11. chdot

  12. chdot

    Writing on behalf of CCTT, Harald Tobermann (acting vice chair of Leith Central Community Council) said this morning, ‘We believe that the Report makes disturbing reading. The independent auditors had identified 145 recommendations to address concerns for the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users, but in less than 50 cases have actions been taken or agreed to address these concerns.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  13. chdot

  14. chdot

    the tram signal priority system seems to have been active on the whole line for two days at least, it's very refreshing

    Posted 5 months ago #
  15. chdot

  16. chdot

    More questions than answers about tram safety snag list

    In mid-2023, an independent Stage 3 Koad Safety Audit made 145 recommendations to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and other road users around the newly completed Trams to Newhaven extension.

    Edinburgh Council and the contractor SFN say they will act on only 44 of those recommendations and have not specified whether work on these has begun or finished. Ward 11's Clir Jo Mowat has since politely frogmarched Council Leader Clr Cammy

    Day into promising more information. Until light shines into the murk, interested observers are left to make informed speculations.

    There are concerns that a combination of commercial
    many problems. There is little clarity about who will perform remedial work and who will pay for it.

    Spurtle has approached the Council to establish whether a Stage 4 RSA has or will be carried out and, if so, when its findings will be made public.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  17. chdot

    The as-yet undisclosed cost of the repairs will be borne by Sacyr Farrans Neopul (SFN),

    the consortium of construction firms which built the route from York Place,

    Posted 4 months ago #
  18. MediumDave

    Got an update by email on the North South tramline plans, supposedly going to TEC on Monday 18th though there's nothing in the agenda just yet (

    To progress the actions agreed by Committee, a workshop took place on 2 October 2024 which provided an update on the revised programme. A summary of the revised timeline for activities is outlined below:

    Finalise stakeholder and engagement strategy including the brief for market research by December 2024;
    Report to Transport and Environment Committee in December 2024 on Bus Rapid Transit analysis;

    Business bulletin update in December 2024 on Bus Rapid Transit routes linking Edinburgh with Livingston, Cockenzie, Blindwells, Penicuik, South Queensferry and Dunfermline;

    Developing economic and environmental impact assessment and critical Strategic Business Case (SBC) workstreams (e.g. strategic modelling, Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework Development (MCAF), route appraisals and forecasting (ongoing until April 2025);

    Finalise consultation materials in line with the actions agreed on 01.02.2024, with a briefing for Elected Members ahead of consultation and market research beginning in spring 2025; and
    Report to committee on the outcome of the consultation and SBC completion (winter 2025).

    We will write to you again to notify you when the consultation goes live. In the meantime, please email if you have any questions.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  19. chdot

    “critical Strategic Business Case (SBC) workstreams“

    Is this setting parameters for the expensive and unfunded Business Case or is there now money from somewhere?

    Posted 4 months ago #
  20. MediumDave

    I think this is a different unfunded business case to Roseburn Granton.

    The "North South line" referred to here is (apparently) Granton to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary/Bioquarter. So presumably not involving the Roseburn route at all.

    This rather critical bit of info was only in the subject line of the email; sorry for not spotting that

    All rather confusing

    Posted 4 months ago #
  21. chdot

    “So presumably not involving the Roseburn route at all..”

    Ah, that makes sense.

    Personally I’ve always thought a line to RIE (and beyond) made more sense than the Granton ‘priority’ (even without the Roseburn Corridor ‘problem’).

    But in a world where a lot is happening it’s ’impossible’ to make a decision on that other Midlothian transport infrastructure possibility (Sheriffhall Roundabout) I’m not expecting anything.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  22. chdot

  23. chdot

    Extra minutes added to Edinburgh Trams journeys 'make them no faster than bus'

    Posted 3 months ago #
  24. chdot

    Prague was the first city in Czechoslovakia to introduce modern trolleybuses.

    From 2017

    Cheaper than trams

    Posted 3 months ago #
  25. neddie

    Big fan of trolleybuses. Especially when they have batteries to get round obstructions or diversions

    Posted 3 months ago #
  26. chdot

    We’ll be shutting a section of the tram network for 3 days in February so that the network can undergo essential maintenance work. We understand this will cause disruption to our customers and would like to apologise in advance for the inconvenience caused.

    From the early hours of Friday, February 14, trams will not run between West End and Balfour Street to make way for the replacement of track points at York Place.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  27. bakky

    From a FutureTrams ( email just received:

    Trams from Granton to the Bioquarter and Beyond Consultation

    The consultation on the Trams from Granton to the Bioquarter and Beyond will start in mid-August 2025. This is slightly later than the originally planned Spring 2025 date.

    The change in date ensures that the 12-week consultation does not take place during the school summer holidays and political recess.

    Further information, including a confirmed start date and details of public drop-in events, will be issued in due course.

    Background to the project can be found on the City of Edinburgh Council’s website.

    Posted 3 days ago #
  28. Tulyar

    Wow - I really need to keep abreast of this detail - can someone alert me on this?

    There was a paper from Manchaster Met University rail specialists on tram derailments, with particular regard to tyre profiles & flangeway issues, as trams rely more on flange guidance on curves but the profiles can also deliver greater incidence of flange climbing over the railhead. Especially relevant to many derailments after RTC (eg Croydon 2008 - fatal crash, Eastfield Ave (EDI) tram & car park shuttle bus, 2 in Sheffield at same LX on tram system). I suspect that this also was a factor in Sandilands (16 killed) crash in 2016 - with windows issue raised after 2008 fatal crash also in Croydon, plus track geometry issues for trams which don't ted to apply for trains)

    Happy to go into detail via PM

    Posted 11 hours ago #

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