Genuine question, having observed loads of bikes interacting without any real problem with the many miles of tram lines in Munich:
What is the problem here? Is it the novelty of the tramlines, ie Edinburgh cyclists haven't got the hang of either what to do in the vicinity of tramlines (eg crossing the lines or when a bus is behind you on Princes Street) or where the tramlines are? Or do cyclists need to be protected by complete segregation (As an aside, I'm looking forward to seeing the results of the Gehl Architects study on the city centre mentioned in the recent Spokes bulletin, which will presumably look at that sort of thing see here ).
Clearly, the tramlines running in direction of travel on Princes St is not ideal (and I suspect this was avoided to some extent by segregated bikelanes in Munich), but walking along there last night there seemed to be plenty of cyclists merrily steaming along without too much concern about the lines.