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Reporting Taxi Drivers

(37 posts)
  • Started 11 years ago by TheBaldyBullet
  • Latest reply from chdot
  • This topic is not resolved

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  1. TheBaldyBullet

    apart from the Police is there a trade\council inspector that you can report incidents of bad taxi driving to in Edinburgh.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. chdot

  3. SRD

    good luck getting anything beyond a 'we have investigated your complaint' letter

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. Arellcat


    Links below don't work anymore, try or send letter

    (From )

    Specifically, this page:

    and refer to the Taxi and Private Hire Complaints note:

    Ideally you want the taxi/PHC licence number, and the registration of the vehicle, time and date, and the incident description. Write a letter and post it to:

    Complaints Officer
    City of Edinburgh Council
    249 High Street
    EH1 1YJ

    CEC did have a copy of its "Taxi & PHC Complaints Procedure", dated 18 March 2011, but it's been removed from the website. It contained a duty to respond in writing to complaints.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. TheBaldyBullet

    thanks for the info...I have heard that enough complaints against the same taxi\driver can be placed on their record and can affect their license renewal

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. Roibeard

    I've had two drivers interviewed by CEC Licensing as a result of two separate complaints. One driver had the matter referred to the police officer responsible for taxi standards to see if further action was required.

    I found it amusing that one of these drivers didn't care if I reported him as "I only work part-time". He seemed to care enough during the interview to apologise and claim that he thought I'd forgotten to cancel my indication, as he overtook me whilst I prepared for a right hand turn into a minor road...

    It's so easy to forget to lower your arm when you don't have a rhythmic bleeping and flashing light to remind you that you have got it at right angles to your body!


    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. SRD

    This was the response I received "I refer to your complaint regarding the conduct of a taxi driver licensed by the City of Edinburgh Council.

    I write to advise you that the driver has been interviewed by Inspector XXX at the Taxi Examination Centre. The driver states he recalls the incident and claims he had taken avoiding action due to a late signal from a cyclist. However, this incident will be retained on the driver’s licence record and referred to in the future should he come to our attention again."

    and the main text of my original complaint:

    "On the morning of Saturday 9 June, I was cycling up Yeaman place, with my children ages 5 and 1 on the bike (it is a tandem with a childseat). I was very visible, because in addition to the childseat, I was towing a brightly coloured trailer. At about 10.20 - possibly slightly earlier, I was in primary position and signalling a right hand turn onto Temple Park Crescent.

    Given that Yeaman Place is uphill at this point, and because of my load, I was not travelling as fast as I would on a flat surface, and a lorry had recently overtaken me, however, I shoulder-checked, checked my mirror and signaled as I moved to make the right hand turn. At that point, a black cab suddenly roared past on my right - having had to move entirely into the opposite lane in order to do so, but nonetheless overtaking when I was clearly signalling my turn. "

    late signal?

    avoiding action = revving fast? what's wrong with hanging back and taking care around vulnerable road users

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. wingpig

    I'll give this a try:

    "I wish to make a complaint about the driving standards exhibited by the driver of black cab #287 SN04 KLU.
    At approximately 17:55 on Wednesday 19th February 2014 I was cycling east along Salamander St towards the junction with Bath Road/Salamander Place. I was continuing eastwards, so was in the left-hand left-turn/straight-ahead lane, about three metres from the kerb (in the 'primary position', in line with recommended practice). The traffic lights turned red as I approached, so I checked behind me, slowed and then stopped at the front of the advanced stop box, still in primary position in the left-hand lane. As I waited I heard a vehicle pull up in the right-hand lane, stopping slightly over the first stop line. Despite being in the right-turn lane (as indicated by the road markings visible here: the vehicle, a black cab, was not indicating right.
    Beyond the junction Salamander St currently briefly narrows to a single channel where some temporary roadworks are in place, signalled by a temporary traffic light. Traffic in front of me which had not been stopped by the red light at Bath Road was clearly visible waiting at this temporary red light. When the Bath Road signal changed I set off and was still in the primary position ahead of the taxi (which, as experience with this sort of driver has led me to wearily expect, had not turned right) on the approach to the stopped vehicles. Nonetheless, despite me having left the junction well in advance of it, the driver of taxi SN04 KLU drew up alongside then moved leftwards towards me as if to force me into the side of the road, at which I attempted to gain the driver's attention by shouting and waving in order to not be pushed off. Eventually, after approaching to within a couple of inches of my bike, the driver backed off just as we reached the stationary vehicles. I maintained a very strong primary throughout the narrowed section of road when the temporary lights turned green in case the driver of the taxi attempted another overtake where there was insufficient space. It eventually overtook when the road-narrowing ceased and the road re-widened to two lanes wide.

    Please ensure your licensed cab operators are competent to operate their vehicles and cognisant of the rights of other human road users to not be shouldered into the gutter.


    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. I were right about that saddle

    The licensing people are quite good. I called in a taxi that drove into me in slo-mo on the grounds that the driver appeared to be totally out of her nut/very unwell.

    She got interviewed and sent for a medical and the guy phoned me to ask me to call the police if it happened again as they actively wanted to take her licence away...

    Posted 11 years ago #
  10. wingpig

    "Dear Mr Wingpig

    Complaint regarding Taxi Driver

    I refer to the above complaint of 21st February concerning the conduct of a taxi driver licensed by the City of Edinburgh Council.

    I will pass your complaint to the Cab Inspector at Police Scotland and ask him to investigate the circumstances. I will contact you again when enquiries are complete.

    Yours sincerely

    Services For Communities
    City Chambers"

    Posted 11 years ago #
  11. wingpig

    "Dear Mr wingpig
    Taxi Complaint

    I refer to the above complaint and your recent correspondence with this office.

    The taxi driver has been traced and interviewed by Police Inspector Smith at the Police Scotland Taxi Examination Centre. He was advised of the nature and details of the complaint and was asked to comment.

    The driver stated that he does not remember this incident, but agrees he was driving the vehicle on this date and at the time detailed by you.
    He does understand your viewpoint in relation to this incident and he was reminded that road safety is of paramount importance at all times and understands the need to take care around cyclists and other vulnerable road users.

    Your complaint has been recorded on his taxi driver’s licence record and may be referred to should he come to our adverse attention in the future.

    I hope this addresses the matter and thank you for bringing the circumstances to our attention.

    Yours sincerely

    Enforcement Officer
    Services for Communities
    City of Edinburgh Council"

    Posted 11 years ago #
  12. EddieD

    I'd call that a result. Well done for being persistent (and polite)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  13. johnnyboy

    I've had two useless emails back from the council about Taxi drivers, the second stating the punishment pass (for daring to come alongside him then get away from the lights before him) was my fault for undertaking him between his taxi and the railings outside Starbucks (i was cycling uphill). Where he then forced me off the road at George Street and rolled down his window to shout at me, was also my fault too apparently for again trying to undertake him as he veered so far over that after starting again he had to turn a fair bit right again to get past the railings he's trapped me next to.

    My new helmet cam arrives tomorrow, ordered after Haggarts Plumbing parked a transit on Forrest Road outside Greggs and another van coming round the corned past Doctors nearly crushed me between the Hagagrts van and his. I had to brake hard which led to the bike behind me almost running onto me.

    I've a good mind to pop into the Haggarts Shop tomorrow with a doughnut for the driver to save him repeating his parking...

    Had to laugh at the taxi driver also outside Greggs today being booked and arguing he had a passenger - he kept opening and closing the door but no passenger appeared. He then rushed off almost knocking my work colleague who was a bit behind me off his bike.

    It's a jungle out there....

    Posted 11 years ago #
  14. Kenny

    Thanks to the info above, I have now reported the private cab #893 SJ59 LTZ which I posted about in the bad driving thread. I shall let you know if I get a response. The fact I have video evidence should hopefully help.

    My new helmet cam arrives tomorrow

    What are you getting, @johnnyboy?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  15. SRD

    I think we need a new thread for Forrest road.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  16. johnnyboy

    I bought a GoPro Silver 3+ HD off eBay/Amazon (bought from eBay but arrived in Amazon packaging).

    I had a Chilli round camera, like a torch before but I got caught in a couple of real downpours and that was the end of it. The other issue I had with the Chilli cam was that it wasn't Mac compatible so I had to reboot to Windows if I wanted sound otherwise it took hours to convert the AVI to m4a

    The good thing about the GoPro is that it is m4a format and the 3/3+ have built in wi-fi and you can view a (live) preview of what the camera is seeing on an iPhone/iPad. You can also browse and watch the media and change the settings on the iPad/iPhone as well as delete media. There are also apps for Android and Windows phone.

    It was a fair bit more than I wanted to spend but the fact I can do the above means it's more usable and the waterproof case is included with a few mounts. I bought a separate vented helmet strap as it wasn't clear when I ordered if it had a helmet mount. It looks like it does but this is more flexible and means I can switch helmets quicker.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  17. condor2378


    Google SJ4000 review by Techmoan. It's a GoPro knock off for £60 but comes with a multitude of compatable mounts for a real GoPro. I keep toying with the idea of geting one to compliment my Mobius (also reviewed by Techmoan).

    Posted 11 years ago #
  18. Kenny

    @johnnyboy - I'd be really interested in seeing pics of the GoPro on your helmet. I've been considering getting one for a couple of months now but the main thing stopping me (aside from the cost) is what it looks like on the helmet.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  19. johnnyboy


    Mobious? Were you the guy I was chatting to last week about cameras? We were cycling up Canaan Lane/Whitehouse Loan.

    It looks good value for money, I got the silver for £190 on eBay so that looks to be quite a saving though not as easy to use, my firmware update was click on an icon in the GoPro app, the same with the set/date time. My Chilli cam needed a time.txt file created on the memory card in Notepad/textpad then powered off and on and a few seconds video recorded to set the time. I work in IT so the procedures for these aren't that tricky for me or the average user but I like simplicity at this stage in life!

    This camera doesn't seem to have wi-fi either so the view on phone option isn't there and I'm back to the same issues with my earlier camera.

    that being said, as a backup, it's great value for money.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  20. Kenny

    No, that wasn't me. £190 is a good price for that cam. It does appear to come with Wifi though, according to the specs, disappointed to hear that it isn't working.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  21. johnnyboy

    I can't see wi-fi listed in the specs for the SJ4000 - The GoPro has a built in server, you connect to the GoPro like any wi-fi router then you can control it, change the settings, record, preview etc. Handy because unlike the SJ4000, the GoPro doesn't have an LCD screen. Makes setup fairly easy.

    I copied a couple of videos last night via USB and they just worked on the Mac, what a difference from the previous one where I had to wait hours to convert or bootcamp into Windows.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  22. Kenny

    I have now reported the private cab #893 SJ59 LTZ

    Got a response:

    I refer to the above complaint and your recent correspondence with this office.

    The taxi driver has been traced and interviewed, he was advised of the nature and details of the complaint and was asked to comment.

    He accepts that he should have given you more room and was advised that he must take greater care when interacting with cyclists.

    The driver was warned about future behaviour with regards to this incident. He has been advised that the circumstances of this incident have been attached to his driver record and may be referred to should he come to our attention in the future.

    I hope this addresses the matter and thank you for bringing the circumstances to our attention.

    A satisfactory result, as far as I'm concerned.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  23. chdot

    "A satisfactory result, as far as I'm concerned."

    Yes, good that you took the trouble to report.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  24. condor2378

    @ johnnyboy

    If the person you were talking to about cameras on Whitehouse Loan a few weeks back was pulling a trailer, then that was me. Had a look at the SJ4000 and the SJ1000 and the specs are identical, thought the form is different and the SJ1000 is £20 cheaper, so I've ordered myself one to use as an actioncam/dashcam/rear camera on the bike for the princly sum of £40. /threadcreep

    Also will be posting todays encounter with a taxi driver from the headcam in the bad taxi driving thread. Might report him, maybe not. Judge for yourselves when you see the video.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  25. UtrechtCyclist

    I reported a taxi driver a couple of weeks ago:

    Dear sir/madam

    I'm writing to report an incident that occurred with a black cab, registration ......., at about 6.35 pm on Friday 41st October on Gilmore Place approaching the King's theatre junction.

    I was cycling east towards King's theatre on Gilmore place about 100m from the junction. There were parked cars on either side of the road and I was keeping away from the doors of these parked cars occupying the middle of the lane (as advised in the highway code). As I slowed to approach the queue of traffic at the junction the taxi arrived behind me. He started revving his engine, beeped the horn, and then pulled over to the left of me shouting "get out of the f****** way, you're in the middle of the f****** road".

    I felt threatened by this, I think his language and demeanour were inappropriate, but what worried me most was he seemed to have completely lost his temper. This wasn't a guy who was irritated, this was a guy who'd completely lost it, he was furious.

    I'd appreciate it if you could follow this up with the driver and keep me informed of the outcome. If this is not the appropriate place to report taxi driver behaviour I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.

    Got a response back a couple of days ago:

    The taxi driver has been traced and interviewed, he was advised of the nature and details of the complaint.

    The driver stated that he has no recollection of this incident, however he was reminded that road safety is of utmost importance at all times particularly around more vulnerable road users, such as cyclists.

    He has been advised that the circumstances of this incident have been attached to his driver record and will be referred to should he come to our attention in the future.

    I hope this addresses the matter and thank you for bringing the circumstances to our attention.

    I think this was a decent response from the licensing authority.

    Anyway, I really just wanted to make the point that reporting taxi bad behaviour is very easy, just email, and it seems you get a reasonable response.

    If you are reporting abusive language, you should make sure not to include the actual abusive language in your email or else you won't get through the council spam filters.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  26. I were right about that saddle

    @Utrecht Cyclist

    It isn't legal to put people in fear of violence in the UK. If you felt yourself to be in physical danger from him then he has assaulted you and you should have called the police. The town center is, alas, covered in CCTV cameras which will have recorded the incident.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  27. UtrechtCyclist

    Thanks @IWRATS,

    for me this wasn't at the level where reporting to police was necessary, particularly as he drove off straight afterwards, and so the taxi licensing people were a more efficient way of dealing with this. If the incident had lasted longer or if he'd got out of his taxi to shout at me I certainly would have reported.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  28. wingpig

    Sent in to on 2015-01-16, including a link to condor2378's video from 2014-04-14:

    "Good morning...

    I was travelling west through Haymarket at 17:25 on Wednesday, January 14th. I was wearing a fluorescent yellow/reflective hat, with well-charged front/rear blinking battery lights and front-rear steady dynamo lights which comply with strict German lighting regulations. My shoes have yellow reflectors to the rear, as do my pedals. My tyres have reflective sidewalls. This is far in excess of what is mandatory for cyclists on UK roads in the dark; I was extremely visible.

    I was in the middle lane from Morrison Street at the junction with Morrison Link. I moved into the right-hand lane as soon as I was past the vehicles waiting to turn right into West Maitland Street.

    Using the full width of the lane, I safely negotiated the first set of tram tracks, then returned to the centre of the lane. This is known as the “primary position” and is recommended for cyclists who do not wish to be overtaken or forced into the gutter. I was in the right-hand lane as I had already identified a stationary coach further ahead in the left-hand lane, so intended to pass it before moving to the left-hand lane to ride into Haymarket Yards.

    The driver of taxi #922 then drew up very close (<1m) behind me, then drew up to my right shoulder, the front of his vehicle overlapping the rear of my rear wheel. His vehicle must have been protruding beyond the right-hand-side of the lane to achieve this, despite the presence of traffic islands a short distance ahead.

    I did not have sufficient space to move to the right when passing the second set of tram tracks, as taxi #922 was already partially alongside.

    I did not want to see what happened if I moved left to the edge of the right-hand lane before moving right to cross the tracks, so had to move one lane to the left, whereupon taxi #922 immediately moved into the space I had been occupying in order to not drive into the traffic island dividing the westbound and eastbound lanes.

    Despite the apparent urgency of his manoeuvre, taxi #922 then ended up in a queue of traffic at the junction with Haymarket Yards. I attempted to make contact through his passenger-side window but he did not turn his head.

    The tram tracks are a known hazard for cyclists, particularly in the wet, especially in the cold when the wet may be icy. I have not yet fallen off on the tram tracks by always crossing them at a safe angle, but this is impossible when being bullied out of a lane by an aggressively-driven two-ton taxi whose driver has not left a clear stopping distance in front of him.

    After posting about this on a cycling forum I was notified of the YouTube clip below, showing the same cab performing some equally dangerous manoeuvring around some tram tracks on 14th April 2014.

    Taxi Driver Close Pass 04 04 14:

    This behaviour and driving standard are far below what a professional driver ought to exhibit.



    Posted 10 years ago #
  29. condor2378


    Good work. Let me know if the Licensing people say they need me to make an official complaint. Happy to do so to get this aggressive idiot off the road.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  30. wingpig

    "Dear Mr wingpig,

    I refer to your email dated 16 January 2015 concerning the conduct of a taxi driver licensed by the City of Edinburgh Council.

    I have passed your complaint to the Cab Inspector at Police Scotland and asked him to investigate the circumstances and address the matter with the driver. I will contact you when this has been done.

    Yours sincerely

    Mr Licensing."

    Posted 10 years ago #

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