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Roseburn to Leith consultation begins (and the debate continues!) CCWEL

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  1. Rosie

    I saw this tweet from Cllr SA and wondered what was happening in the Roseburn Bar:-

    "I had a really good meeting in Roseburn today talking with
    @MurrayfieldCC about CCWEL. We got off to a shaky start, but were soon able to get down to business in the Roseburn Bar."

    So was it a stand off as in a saloon in Dodge City?

    "One of us is going to leave this bar, and it won't be me."

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. chdot

    But was it “with @MurrayfieldCC”?

    Is PG a member?

    If so?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. HankChief

    The meeting was with a bunch of traders, the chair of MCC & 1 other member of MCC (not PG). Not sure who intigated it but it seemed to have been chaired by a trader, who was part of the recent delegation to Full Council

    The MCC chair highlighted the meeting at last week's MCC and invited anyone interested to attended.

    PG is a member of MCC (in that he put himself forward and not enough other people did to force a vote), but it is not remotely clear in what capacity he was attempting to be at the meeting under.

    The was no indication at last week's MCC that he would be representing them.

    Fair play to SA for taking a position and standing his ground. He will no doubt be finding out how vexatious PGTips can be once riled...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. Frenchy

    He will no doubt be finding out how vexatious PGTips can be once riled...
    PG is a former Labour party member - this may not be Cllr Arthur's first rodeo?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. chdot

  6. chdot

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. chdot

  8. chdot

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. HankChief

    Paper for Thursday's Finance & Resources Committee considering Compensation for Roseburn Traders

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. Morningsider

    The paper is clearly trying to steer Councillors towards rejecting the proposal. However, if it is approved then it looks like the funds would come out of the active travel budget.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. HankChief

    Committee make up

    3 SNP
    2 Labour
    2 Green
    2 Tory
    2 Lib Dems

    Barring abstentions & split votes, 3 parties needed to carry any motion.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. chdot

  13. HankChief

    Both SNP & LibDem have motions for today's F&R committee calling for the issue of compensation to be referred to Full Council.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. HankChief

    Didn't hear the whole debate (I'll catch up later), but not unsurprisingly it is going to full Council to decide.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. neddie

    This will be a terrible injustice if the Roseburn traders end up stealing from the active travel pot, and setting the precedent for any future roadworks...

    More preservation of the status-quo. We will never progress...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. Yodhrin

    Hopefully they're punting it to full council to force everyone to take an equal share of them blame when it fails to pass, rather than to cover their backsides when the active travel pot vanishes.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. Morningsider

    @neddie - agreed. If this does go ahead then I think the following condition should be attached to any support.

    If annual takings within the three years following completion of the works are above the annual average of the preceding three years, then support should paid back up to the amount of the additional profit.

    Otherwise businesses benefit twice - first from taxpayers cash and then from the improved environment and accessibility, again paid for by the taxpayer.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. acsimpson

    @Morningsider, that would seem like a reasonable condition. I would also suggest adding in some sort of benchmarking against equivalent areas of the city. So if all retail areas are struggling then compensation figures would be reduced respectively.

    I'm not sure how you would factor in businesses who have previously benefited from lax enforcement of traffic regulations though.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  19. chdot

  20. HankChief

    Bollards are coming...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  21. pringlis

    Leith Walk could do with some of those bollards being retrofitted!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  22. chdot

    My bold

    Sat 26 Nov, 10-2pm cycle event at @StMarysCathEdin #PalmerstonPlace

    10-2 #DoctorBike, Council stall, cathedral eco-group

    11-2 #SpokesStall with #SpokesMaps/buffs, special stall prices

    12-2 A #CCWEL project manager to chat

    Posted 1 year ago #
  23. Yodhrin

    Looking at the bollards pic, I can't recall the plans - was the track always meant to be so narrow along there with the broad divider, or have they snaffled away some of the track width for the bollard foundations?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  24. HankChief

    Always that layout with a 50cm divide.

    The cycle path is narrow in the Terrace at only 2m, one of the many compromises to leave some parking / loading and space to queue for right turning traffic on the Terrace...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  25. Yodhrin

    Oh wow I hadn't realized it was that bad through there. Going to be fun trying to head westbound during morning commute times if the segregated lanes in London are anything to go by.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  26. Morningsider

    Recently cycled the new London Cycleway C4, Tower Bridge to Greenwich. They simply removed a whole traffic lane from an A road and turned it into cycleway. For almost its entire length you can cycle two abreast and be safely passed by people cycling two abreast coming the other direction.

    What is even more galling is that the new lane is replacing (I suppose actually in addition to) an existing quiet route that is pretty similar to the standard of CCWEL.

    Really bring it home to you that Edinburgh is installing infrastructure that is unfit for purpose.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  27. HankChief

    So the barriers along the cycle path on the Northside of Roseburn Terrace came down this afternoon. Yay.

    Do you want to guess what this tweet is a picture of...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  28. chdot

    Oooh exciting

    First pic of car in new cycle lane!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  29. gembo

    That car will scratch its undercarriage, bollards needed?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  30. chdot

    Posted 1 year ago #

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