WellI had my day in the sun at the Transport Committee and was able to show my photos of GSR at rush hour last night
I attempted to broaden out my deputation to show that it wasn't just a one road issue and the prioritisation wasn't working if it didn' select roads like GSR. Not sure how sucessful I was at that.
Cllr Booth asked some good questions and got Lesley to give assurances that GSR would be looked at. And also that they would dig out a previous report about traffic calming on it.
After the meeting one of the road officers caught me and explained that the category that East Hermiston was under was for a thin top layer rathrr than wholesale improvement. What GSR needed was a more fundamental overhaul, which would need to come from the main pot.
Myself and DdF raised with him whether the spokes amendments to the 2010 document wereIin the live version. He's away to check.
All in all, we've certainly raised awareness of the issues and ensured that GSR gets looked ay properly. No hard promises or starting date for the work - which is now likely to be next financial year at the earliest. Another winter of fun then....