Think this deserves its own thread.
I've been in correspondence with the Council about the state of Gogar Station Road (GSR) highlighted by Greenroofer's video last week, within the Must be Summer thread.
The response has been that whilst it is a mess it doesn't rate high enough to get fixed, due to the assessment process that is used.
I've asked for more details on this process and GSR's assessment but basically it takes the rating of the road itself and then applies a multiplier which is increased due to things like traffic volume, being on a bus route or being in the city centre.
From what I can gather the multiplier doesn't take into account the volume of cycle traffic or any risk assessment for the safety of those cyclists.
For those that don't know it, GSR links the A8 cycle path with the Canal path just to the West of the bypass. It's well used by cars (as a rat run) and cycles, but is narrow and despite being a 40 limit is a pretty hostile place to cycle (especially on dark commutes in winter). It's a challenge to find a route between/over the bumps / holes and keep awareness of what the traffic is doing around you.
Whilst GSR is just an example of where the road needs fixed, the wider problem is that cyclists' safety isn't forming part of the current assessment.
I am being told that CEC are currently looking into updating the multiplier system to ensure that it is fit for purpose. Any views on what we can do to put our case across?
The alternative is that CEC have to use the limited cycling budget to fix the roads that both we (and cars) use.