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hgv training

(7 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by splitshift
  • Latest reply from chdot

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  1. splitshift

    people, as a lorryist, part of my ongoing training means I sit a CPC.Now the relevance or meaningfulness of this is no doubt commented on elsewhere, but as I discussed hgv and cycling issues with my (very committed) training managers,it was pointed out that the next part of my training will involve, and be about , vulnerable other road users.I was aked if any open minded ,reasonable people without agendas would be interested in contributing comments about the training. So, although this will at the discretion of our general manager, and controlled by business needs,can I offer this out there? Prob will involve some meeting and q+a sessions, prob at one of our retail outlets across the country. For those who don't already know, I drive an artic for a large retail company, usa based that saves you money every day !!!!! Who have strict "rules" about discussing company stuff in public, so that's why I don't actually use their name, very often !There is also talk of getting artics into schools to help discuss the conflicts betwixt trucks and others, but it will have a large branded advertisement in there !
    so any sane agenda free, open minders get in touch, it MIGHT happen , it MIGHT NOT !

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. DaveC

    Oh A*da are already in schools linked to healthy eating, and fruit.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. Tulyar

    Splitshift - drop me a DM. Last night I was at CILT dinner and spoke with TC (Sc) who is a regular cyclist and made some interesting comments in her speech.

    The speech include a finger wag to a few of the big logistics names about her agreement with Police Scotland to get every report of an FPN for mobile phone use by a vocational licence holder reported to TAO (currently no formal track to report every motoring offence by a vocational driver to the TC - someone might like to take this up with our Justice Minister?). Better put that around the guys behind the wheel. She may be a wee woman but she means business.

    She also explained how she would be informed to call in a vocational licence holder (or operator) for formal interview when she received evidence that they were not meeting the criteria for their licence, and that notably includes 'Being of Good Repute'

    Those capturing such evidence might want to consider how we can assemble a protocol to collate and forward this to what is effectively the Office of Road Regulation, without undue demand for resources or being accused of bias of any sort.

    I'can't recall whether its WHM that does the in livery stuff for the company alluded to, but at our table last night was Mr DRS who AFAIK is taking lots of blue intermodal boxes up to Inverness in order to emit *LessCo 2* for their customer, and I think he also helps to *save you money every day* but I think its either K&N F-W or Eddie who look after that business.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. Tulyar

    PS is it a year (or thereabouts) to the EU deadline of CPC 35 hours in 5 years for LGV?

    Buses was this year but they have got derogation for mechanics and delivery drivers, not driving in service... and when do most bus roofs get taken off?

    Buses are generally on track and TfL's Big Bus Little Bike module is excellent but for LGV there is only a quantity measurement - but nothing really on quality. Some drivers are signed off for doing same 7 hours of 'modules' every year it seems.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. splitshift

    Tulyar, yes, CPC should be 35 hours complete next year. Yes I have indeed heard of the same 7 hours every year, saving us money seem to be doing it properly. Actually changed training provider lately used to be scania but is now someone else, whos name eludes me at the mo , must check my paper work. WHM indeed with drs move our boxes to Aberdeen etc , but not at the moment cause an arr Aberdeen company are pulling that stuff this weekend, poss engineering works.Eddie only does inward stuff, as per K+N and F-W, but we used to do K+N work,its all dependant on close proximity of their dc, and of course many more double deck, moving floor stuff, and they don't want to put over heavy stuff in them !
    Phones, as it stands , we are at the mo installing new type of isotrak which has new sat nav(never use or trust that, I am old school, maps !)and completely hands free ,one touch or with voice activation lorry phones.I do know of drivers being disciplined for using hand helds , in the yard !Our training people are pretty good, they are committed. pm on its way !

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Uberuce

    I am not agenda free, do try to be open minded(although things have to pass the scepticism filter and many people consider that a different thing), and am yet to be declared insane, professionally.

    What I would love to do is pass on the anecdote of my interaction with a German-plated juggernaut driver.

    He stopped behind me when I was approaching Dundee train station and stopped at a red light. There's some tramworks-level of nonsense happening there, so if you've not been there for a fortnight, your local knowledge is worthless.

    I therefore didn't really know where I should be or what lane I would aim for, or where to turn off, or basically anything about what to do after the red light changed, so the appearance of an artic behind me wasn't ideal, except for the fact the driver stopped so far behind me that it was frankly weird how unthreatened I felt. Not just because of the extra distance, but because I knew it meant he was unwilling to have me in his blind spot.

    When the light changed, he didn't move. I was hauling ass to get clear of him, but it was totally unnecessary since he waited until I was safely ahead before setting off.

    I think it was two sets of lights he repeated this procedure for, until I got to the station. He got a cheery and heartfelt thumbs up.

    The best thing was that not only did he present zero danger to me, he would have prevented any subsequent drivers from doing so too. Not only do you and your colleagues have the ability to manage the hazard your mahoosive vehicles present, but that very mahoosiveness can be used to guard vulnerable road users.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. chdot

    "I knew it meant he was unwilling to have me in his blind spot"

    Posted 10 years ago #

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