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Rode in from Newbridge this morning

(26 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by Wilmington's Cow
  • Latest reply from Baldcyclist

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  1. Had to take the car to the dealer this morning (for what is hopefully just an electronic issue and they can turn it off and back on again... Anyway) so did the ride in from Newbridge to the city centre that I've done a few times now.

    What a shambles...

    Newbridge to RBS on that shared use path, with lampposts in the middle, awful surface, bus shelters, blind entrances... I can understand why some use the road, though that level of traffic going 60mph+, not for me.

    Route from Gogar to the West End is alright in that most of it is bus lane. But busy busy and I can see why novices would be put off.

    My big question is this.... Why on earth, while buildign the tramline, did they not just tag on 3m of segregated, useable, virtually flat, quit, lovely path?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. chdot

    "Why on earth, while buildign the tramline, did they not just tag on 3m of segregated, useable, virtually flat, quit, lovely path?"

    Because 'back then' (so 20th C) 'they' didn't think about 'integrated transport', 'active travel' - or much really apart from BIG projects.

    SO much has changed...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. kaputnik

    Because 'back then' (so 20th C) 'they' didn't think about 'integrated transport

    Well, they definitely "thought" about it, but "integration" meant making the bus and the tram cost the same to use, and having a few duplicated stops and not much more. Three substandard, unprotected and insecure Sheffield stands at each tram stop hardly count as modal integration.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. Stickman

    If the tram ends up being a costly white elephant then perhaps the tracks can just be concreted over to give a nice cycle expressway?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. paul.mag

    @Wilmingtons Cow, The bus stop just after the foot bridge going eastbound coupled with bin day is a particular delight especially as the bus stop patrons seem to play a game called "get in the way". I'm fairly certain they don't think its a shared use facility.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Certainly need to keep your wits about you! (which really isn't the constant state you should be in while cycling... Obviously you need to pay attention, but constant fear something awful is going ot happen ain't conducive to a relaxed commute).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. DaveC

    I'm ordering one of these!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. Try Cycle

    perhaps the tracks can just be concreted over

    If Leith Walk is anything to go by they won't concrete it over, they'll spend 12 months ripping it up, doing it wrong, re-ripping it up and widening the road. A week after the road has been widened, BT/Scottish Power will probably want to dig it up too no doubt!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. chdot


    Bus lanes and a public transport interchange are two of the solutions that could be on the cards for the Newbridge roundabout after authorities agreed to fund the major study.


    Any other suggestions...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  10. Baldcyclist

    Hopefully not a bus only lane as is the case from the P&R and slip road. Mind you I always used it anyway, no one seemed to mind.

    I never used to mind the airport road, blinkers on, go....

    Posted 10 years ago #
  11. dg145


    My commute is Armadale to Chesser, so the Newbridge to Gogar section is very much part of that.

    I totally agree about the inadequacy of much of that path. The section immediately East of the N/B roundabout is basically a narrow pavement in front of folks houses (as someone said, bins and all). Now that the schools are back I've abandoned the part of the path that squeezes past that bus-stop. I've never thought that anyone was 'at it' with cyclists trying to squeeze by there, but it's just hopelessly impractical with anything up to half a dozen people waiting for the bus on a pavement that is just about the width of 2 people (standing sideways).

    Once past that point there is a short, wide section but then you're back onto a narrow, tree-root rutted footpath.

    Despite the fast traffic I now generally just go straight up the road. It's always interesting at the airport turn off, when you have close passes happening at both sides simultaneously.

    Are there any plans to upgrade that path alongside the A8? Some of the roadside paths further West, alongside the A89, are far better to ride on.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  12. HankChief

    The last communication I got from the Council on it was mid August -

    We have developed designs for the improvement of the A8 cycle route and are awaiting funding to implement these. The scheme remains a priority and once funding is identified we plan to progress it as soon as possible.

    I'm keen to see what they have in mind as the current arrangement are clearly not fit for purpose for the mentions above. My favourite is getting across Gogarstone Road where you have a narrow path and with poor sight lines and most drivers just looking in the other direction is a horrid junction to cross.

    Quite when they get funding is another matter.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  13. dg145

    Thanks HankChief. Not holding my breath for that one then. Agree on the Gogarstone Road crossing. Almost been caught out there a few times, and now approach it very cautiously (another reason just to brave the road).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  14. paul.mag

    I love politicians language.
    "developed designs" = doodled on a napkin
    "The scheme remains a priority" = oh, i'd forgotten about that
    "awaiting funding to implement" = it's not my fault

    As previously mentioned if they had truly thought about cycling they could have tacked on a bit of path to the tram network. Imagine a nice cycle path from the Ingliston P&R following the tram way to Gogarburn then allowing you head to the gyle or jump onto the bus lane on the glasgow road. Surely wouldn't have been that hard or more expensive?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  15. I started commuting this route (Livi to Edin) earlier in the year and only did the path twice. The surface is abysmal, there are too many obstacles and too many slow downs with junctions.

    It did feel a bit scary the first few times on the road, but you do get used to it and so far I have not had a single incident of anyone going too close. Maybe its been easier as I usually go before the rush hour. There have been a few numpties who have shouted at me going home to use the cycle path as they are stuck in the queue slowly heading to Newbridge.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  16. Cyclingmollie

    I've ridden it a few times and the path is dreadful. Perhaps it's now cleaned up but when I rode it a thick layer of dead leaves hid areas of green slimy potholed tarmac. Avoid the potholes and you slip on the slime as I did, arriving at the airport with blood pouring down my leg.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  17. chdot

    Spokes CycleCampaign (@SpokesLothian)
    09/10/2013 11:51
    @CyclingEdin @LAHinds @transcotland Cash for #A8 cycleroute agreed 2006 by @SEStran p1&7

    Then scrapped by new SNP gov


    Posted 10 years ago #
  18. paul.mag

    The path is even more fun in the winter when it doesn't get cleared and so pretty much forces anyone who wants to cycle to do so on the road.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  19. HankChief

    And the problem with everuone using the main road is that

    a) it puts people off cycling because they think the only way to cycle along there is on the road.

    b) it perpetuates the view that spending money on cycling infrastructure is a waste as it doesn't get used.

    Getting the cyclepath right would solve this.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  20. chdot

    Duncan Smith (@dnmnsmith)
    09/10/2013 13:54
    @CyclingEdin @LAHinds @transcotland To quote a cycling colleage - "is that the one where you give way every 50yds? I'd rather drive."


    Posted 10 years ago #
  21. Good news: Car has been sorted and ready to be picked up.

    Bad news: That's a heck of a headwind.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  22. chdot

    "Cycle access to Edinburgh Airport"

    Posted 10 years ago #
  23. Had a great ride in on the A8 this morning. Just before the Ingliston turn-off a JCB overtook me and I tagged along behind him all the way to Gogar. Its the second time I've been lucky enough for that, though the first time was even better as the digger went past at the Newbridge roundabout.

    Amazing how much easier it is and you don't feel as exposed either as the cars and lorries need to take a much wider route around you.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  24. paul.mag

    @galaxy yeah the lack of wind resistance plus the towing effect from the vehicle really makes life a lot easier. I fondly remember the day I managed to tuck in behind a bus as it pulled away from the bus stop just at the footbridge and drafted it all the way to the airport turn off. Managed to get upto 38mph that day and it was easy! Got some bemused and dare I say impressed looks from the car commuters as the bus (and I) undertook them

    Posted 10 years ago #
  25. paul.mag

    Due to the headwind last night I jumped onto the cycle path from Gogar roundabout to the airport, the amount of debris on the path is ridiculous. It looks more like a forest glen track rather than a piece of tarmac. Given the amount of popping and crunching going on under my tyres as I went over twigs and various bits of tree I was amazed I didn't have any punctures. Who should maintain the path?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  26. Baldcyclist

    The bit outside RBS id maintained by them, from recollection when I used to come that way it was always clear.

    The rest of it maintained by Edinburgh Council and was never clear. If it's any consolation I think all of Edinburghs paths are in that state just now, the NEPN certainly is.

    Posted 10 years ago #

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