This development isn't entirely unexpected. The refurbishment of the access road from Slateford Road to Slateford station and yard cannot overcome the incredibly poor sightlines created by road alignment under the railway bridge. Housing developers are, of course, absolutely desperate to take advantage of all the green space at Meggetland.
Access to North Meggetland from Colinton Road is also probably considered restrictive. The proposed connecting road (because it will become such) will have to prevent rat running.
I will, sadly, be objecting to the whole principle because it will lead to building on the green space–though I note that North Meggetland is already that corridor. The better access to the cycle path and the canal would however be welcome.
I will be also objecting to the provision of the bollards, because there is absolutely no reason for them. The cycle lane from the new piece of road to the canal will remain the useful link, and the remaining part from the new road to the station will be less used by cyclists because of the extremely poor access to and from Slateford Road by the railway bridge. I will also object on the grounds that the spacing of the bollards will prevent me from using the path in my velomobile. The path is the best alternative to cycling up Craiglockhart Avenue.