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Stop The Killing Of Cyclists - Die-In

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  1. Kim

    Down south in the big smoke they are holding a Stop The Killing Of Cyclists - Die-In and Vigil at TfL HQ. Should we be doing something like this in Scotland?

    We could hold a Die-In in the area out side Holyrood. On a bigger scale using social media we could try and get people across Scotland to hold a Die-In outside their council offices or in a public square (ie Glasgow could use George Sq).

    If we want to see real change, we have to keep the protest going, the Dutch didn't get their cycle paths by praising every bit of rubbish that was built in the name of doing something for the "cyclists".

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. fimm

    Yes, I think we should. However I think it might have to be quite grass roots as I suspect that people like Spokes (and PoP?) are going to be cautious aboue putting thier names to anything that is more disruptive and less law-abiding - with good reason, in my opinion, certainly in Spokes' case, they will be reluctant to break what good relationships they have. They're the "good cop", we need a "bad cop" as well...

    Or is what you are saying is that years of being good cop has got us not very far, and we all need to be bad cops? Have you seen the Meadows to Innocent proposals? They're a good example of "more of the same". Is this the moment for saying "actually, that simply isn't good enough any more, and we are not going to let you say we've "approved" (or whatever) it.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. fimm

    I actually think we should die-in outside Haymarket. That would get noticed...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. chdot

    @ fimm - that covers most of the issues - and highlights that some of the 'anger' needs to be directed at SG and some at CEC.

    Don't think the time is right (not just the weather!)

    There needs to be more 'thought about 'what we want'.

    The stop climate chaos people are working behind the scenes and meeting ministers. The two demos they have had seem to have made a difference.

    The first one - 300 people addressed by Keith Brown - was (perhaps) enough to stop the planned cuts by John Swinney to Active Travel.

    I think we are at a point where the Scottish Government MIGHT just get it' and be prepared to spend more of the Transport budget and/or more NHS money.

    If not (and certainly if not enough...) more reason(s) to make PoP3 bigger/better with (perhaps) events in other places as well as Edinburgh.

    For Edinburgh - well they are tinkering with Haymarket. Opening the new station will changes things - in ways that might not so far have been anticipated!

    The proposed new stuff is currently out for consultation. A lot of 'not good enough' comments might be more effective than a badly attended die-in.

    London is bigger and the recent deaths there have stirred things up (more).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. Kim

    It looks like there are people wanting to do this on Fri 29 at 17:00 at Scottish Parliament, if anyone else is interested.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. SRD

    I agree with fimm

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. fimm

    Hmmmm. Could I get away from work early enough to be at the Parliament at 5pm on a Friday?

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. SRD

    on twitter, kim seems to have changed date to thursday

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. fimm

    Piffle. Friday would be less difficult than Thursday. (However my colleagues often have to leave early to pick up their car/offspring/do other important stuff, so I do think I could do it.)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  10. Focus

    I know there's a feeling of urgency to do things like this, and understandably so, but I worry that the turnout and effect won't be as good when it's during the cold, dark winter compared to the lighter, warmer spring and autumn months.

    Would PoP get the same numbers on an evening at the end of November as it does during the day in May? Different kind of gathering, I know, but it's the participation levels I'm looking at, as well as the level of visibility to the public at large.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  11. Kim

    It has been suggested to me that Parliament has the day off on Friday 29 November. It always has the nearest Friday to St Andrew's day off - there will be literally no-one inside (except a couple of security guards). Also, bad time for media coverage, Friday evening falls right into a dead zone and it will be dark outside (bad for pictures).

    And that about 1245 on a Thursday - just after First Ministers' Questions, lots of media about, light and just in time for lunchtime news, would be a better option.

    I am putting is up for debate, there are people who feel angry about the increasing number of cyclists (and pedestrians) dying on our roads and feel the need to protest. Obviously there is no way that the number of people turning out in November is going to be the same as PoP. But there are those who feel they cant wait until April 2014 (to be confirmed) to make their feelings known.

    The only way that we are going to get decent safer roads is to keep the pressure up. Whether that be writing blogs, writing letters, commenting on planning proposals, lobbying those in power, being active on social media or mass protest, it is all needed.

    It is up to each person to decide in which way they want to engage in the struggle and by how much (or not) this is a free society.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  12. Focus

    That would certainly seem a wiser time. I did have a sense that there might not be anyone around in the building but wasn't sure of the accuracy of that. No doubt a lunchtime effort won't suit a lot of people either but a visible protest with the people in power there versus a murky protest with nobody to see it? No contest.

    Just one person's view but it sounds the better option for the current time of year.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  13. fimm

    Yes, I agree, that sounds like a better time (although there is no way I could make that, short of taking time off work).

    Hey ho, back to writing blogs & emails for me...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  14. Kim

    @Focus the fact that it is dark doesn't make it a murky protest, the resent protest at Bow roundabout in London was after dark and the bicycle symbol laid out with candles in jars was a powerful image. As were the crowd of several hundred people holding candles in jars as a vigil, Who had gathered at less than six hours notice.

    Obviously here in Edinburgh, we have a far smaller population to draw from, so getting big numbers at short notice is a bit of an issue. One of the advantages of a die in with bikes, is that the bikes take up a fair bit of space so relatively small numbers (compared with London) can make an impact.

    I haven't forgotten the Pedal on Post Box where the only one that really came off was Peebles. It was a good idea, but we just didn't manage to mobilise the numbers else where.

    The other advantage of a die-in is that is really just a photo call, and be all over in 15 minutes, so can work in a lunch time. If there are enough numbers.

    @fimm keep up the good work ;-)

    Posted 10 years ago #

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