a good thread, proves democracy has its uses.
For me the yes/no thing boils down to a handful of things.
I no longer want Scotland to be the home of illegal nuclear weapons.
I no longer want Scotland to be dragged into illegal foreign wars for corporate interests, that have killed, maimed and displaced millions of innocent souls.
I no longer want Scotland to be ruled by a group of people that has at best tenuous connections to it.
I no longer want to hear the lies, damned lies and untruths we are fed daily/hourly/weekly/monthly about why despite all the cuts, expenses fiddling, cash for questions, financial malfeasance, pedophilia, and the general running into the ground of the poor,disabled and working class people, we are somehow still going to be better together.
The only thing better together are the cheeks of my @rse.
I want to live in a more vibrant, wealthier, fairer independent Scotland as a citizen of Scotland, and absolutely NOT a crown subject, a title we all in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales inherit at birth. Whether we want it or not.
It is clear from what we can glean out of the corporately controlled media, Westminster and Scotland are entirely different beasts, and this is something that cannot and will not be papered over, I have spoken to a huge amount of my fellow Scots, of all castes and creeds i might add, and i can happily say, the NO campaign has had little impact on redressing the balance in favour of Westminster rule, It all started with Thatcher, and it is going to end with Cameron, he knows it, they know it, and they are doing all the can to try to prevent it, but also, they know it isnt washing with your average scot. Ive seen enough and lived through enough to know what side my bread is buttered, and its no wi Westminster for sure.
The obvious choice for us is a YES, because a NO means more of the same garbage we have been fed for a century or more. Time for a change, because its no as good as a rest, its better, better than better together at least.
Yes all the way.
I bid you all a pleasant weekend of riding.
The Radgeworks