CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!

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Sticky: Today's rubbish driving... 11319 chdot 2 days
Rail latest 663 chdot 5 days
Close Passes with Video Evidence 56 Arellcat 6 days
"Trump loses legal challenge against wind farm plans" 7 Yodhrin 1 week
"HS2: 'Timetable needed' for high-speed rail to reach Scotland" 135 chdot 1 week
Is dualling the A9 really that bad? 597 chdot 1 week
Floating Bus Stops 9 bakky 2 weeks
Meanwhile in Midlothian 118 vladimpala 3 weeks
Do we need an EU referendum thread? (Brexit thread) 3979 LaidBack 1 month
Sentient beings 533 nevelbell 1 month
Reducing car travel 70 chdot 1 month
Today's rubbish cycling 4520 mcairney 2 months
The next General Election (now over! 2024) 105 chdot 2 months
“People in England driving more, cycling less and walking further, survey shows” 3 neddie 2 months
John Muir Way - thoughts 26 cb 2 months
THIS is about ‘active travel’ BUT… 1 chdot 2 months
Electric scooters 184 neddie 3 months
"Growing Up in Scotland: Overweight, obesity and activity 359 chdot 3 months
Possibly the most bizarre ‘bicycle blaming’ story you’ll ever read! 1 chdot 3 months
‘European governments have embraced cycling as essential tool of future mobility 5 Dave 4 months
“Town vs gown and car vs bike: row erupts over Cambridge congestion plan” 10 gembo 4 months
"Future road pricing 'inevitable' - RAC Foundation" 7 mcairney 4 months
The NHS and Active Travel 11 chdot 4 months
THE Helmet Thread 895 gembo 4 months
“Green space could be even better for young brains than we realised” 1 chdot 5 months
“Cars Are Slowing Down in European Cities” 8 mcairney 5 months
“Travel zone changes are pricing us out of public transport” (Glasgow area) 1 chdot 5 months
Trams to Granton 184 chdot 5 months
“BIKES ARE GOOD FOR BRAINS“ 5 Murun Buchstansangur 5 months
Workplace Parking Levy - WPL 50 chdot 5 months
Self-driving cars 'must have driver', regulators insist 122 neddie 5 months

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