What it all seems to boil down to is a big debate about the relative legal and constitutional details of how the EU actually works - and would this result in a better (or worse) future. But to most people who aren't legal or constitutional or political experts (I count myself firmly in this camp), it's not really scintillating stuff. What the official campaigns appear to have degenerated into, on both sides, is not really understanding (or, if they do know, not bothering to try and explain) how the EU works or even what it really is, so they're just making up ever more shrill proclamations (and downright lies) in an attempt to win it by slinging enough sh** that some of it will stick and they'll grab the headlines and get the Murdoch press on side.
I really don't want to mentally go through the "am I on the same side as Blair, Cameron, Osborne and Major, or am I with Boris, Nigel, Hopkins, Murdoch and Gove" arguments in my head, so I'm not going to.
Is anyone able to explain why the SNP loathe and abominate the idea of being ruled by Westminster but love the idea of being ruled by Brussels? I genuinely can't manage the cognitive dissonance.
Well I think the root of it is a stated aspiration to be "independent in Europe", to the same extent that say Germany, France, Spain, Italy or any other nations forming the core of the EU are also independent nations.