Not sure when various sections re-opened. Some have been closed for a very long time because of the flood prevention work.
It's nice to be able to follow the Burn from Morningside (Braidburn Valley Park) to Colinton on a fairly flat, mostly traffic free, path 'network'.
Millions of pounds have been spent on the Flood Prevention works, "Investing in protecting our future" as the signs say.
The Burn has burst its banks "four times in the last 16 years" - which may well be due to Climate Change. Scotland now has 'world leading' targets for reducing emissions, it's assumed that 'transport' will be expected to be involved.
One way would be to encourage walking and cycling. The FP work has resulted in some significant path upgrades. This used to be rough whin dust -
The path on the right leads to Colinton Primary School.
For some reason the path continues south at half the width - and appears to be going to be whin rather than tarmac (which will wash away if it's flooded).
Eventually even the inferior surface ends! This is still a route to the local school.
Perhaps still work in progress(?)
The rural route through Dreghorn Woods still has unaddressed drainage issues. Few people realise it's there, the entrance is almost invisible and there are no signs.
It's quite a few years since I was involved in producing a leaflet for the council detailing the route, but apart the FP work not much has changed.
This could be a well used route from south Edinburgh up to the foot of the Pentlands for walkers and cyclists.