CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

Genius safety posters...

(4 posts)

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  1. Dave

    This sort of thing is long overdue...

    Interesting that the police response to the spate of killings was (apparently) to increase the rate of fines to cyclists 3500%.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. Instography

    You seem to be condoning breaches of copyright law. Well, we can't go breaking any laws. Tsk. That would never do. The cyclist's duty, first and foremost, is to be the most stringent adherent to the law lest people tar all cyclists with the scofflaw brush. Dave, chase them down and give them a telling off or at least a hard stare.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. HankChief

    I saw this slightly less aggressive campaign poster in Wales last summer. They were handing out flags at Tour of Britain with it on.


    It's a pretty clear request for 1.5m of space when cars pass you.

    I thought it was rather good and stuck in my mind. (Who can remember the nice way code posters?)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. gembo

    Does diogelwychhffryd mean road safety in welsh?

    Poster clear, unlike the artful London ones which despite being lovely, struggle at times with what exactly they are trying to be communicating. Don't get me wrong, I like the London posters, but I know what the issues are.

    Now the wording beneath the welsh poster is also clear, and some of the points might even get universal agreement on this forum, as some of it is advice we have stated, e.g. Look the driver in the eye, but some of it might be disputed on here.

    Posted 10 years ago #

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