Sent to ERC members -
Subject: Assistance with Meadowbank bid
The club has expressed an interest in running the Meadowbank track for the summer of 2014. This is likely to be the last season of it’s existence and it deserves a glorious swan song.
There are plenty of opportunities on which we can capitalise
. The Sir Chris Hoy velodrome will be closed in June, July and August for the Commonwealth games
. Our youth riders have used the track on Friday evenings for several years and as a result they have developed a wider interest in cycling. We wish this to continue.
. Club members caught the track bug during our recent club session at Glasgow, we would have the opportunity to repeat this closer to home
. The SCH velodrome has increased the number of track riders in Scotland.
. The facility has never been marketed to the wider community.
If you are interested in helping to develop our bid or want to be part of the organising team please contact Rob Bloor ( or Phil Darby (
Specific tasks could include
1. An insurance specialist
2. Plumber
3. Electrician
4. Grass cutter
5. Anything else you can bring to the table including time and enthusiasm
As ever, your club needs you.