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Wifes first bike ride - synopsis

(8 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by Radgeworks
  • Latest reply from crowriver

  1. Radgeworks

    Dear All, my wife recently purchased a nice hybrid to ride on paths and out of town, so yesterday we took a ride out to Hermiston from Roseburn, partly to check the infrastructure, partly to allow her to ride without traffic hassles.
    It was a 12km round trip, into the wind and rain on the way out, but nonetheless my wife really enjoyed it, i found her comments about the entirely rubbish path network to Hermiston Gait from Broomhouse quite interesting, as she had never encountered these before, and i deliberately didnt mention anything, as an honest newbies opinion is more valued than my biased one. She found the crossings at Broomhouse and the Gyle to be problematic in design and placing, and the junction boxes opposite Makro were "just bloody dangerous, WHY would you put them there" to quote her directly, she had much more colourful language when we encountered the cyclists dismount signs heading west to Edinburgh Park station, we were naughty and just completely ignored these, my wifes comment " those do nothing, for nothing, why are they there? They are bloody pointless" bear in mind, this was about 45mins into the ride west. Compounded further by the badly sited bike stands at Hermiston. So the westward ride was interesting, the ride back east was great fun, as the wind blew us along for hundreds of metres, until we got the Balgreen crossing, nothing either way, no need to press the lights, I cross, wife begins to cross, TAXI 100m away, beeps her for taking all of 5 seconds to cross the road, what a total pr*ck i thought, and all because she had not pressed for the lights to stop him, and he stopped at the primary school anyway at a red!Then on entering Sainsburys Murrayfield, she was entirely ignored by drivers as she attempted to cross at the zebra crossing, i explained that this was the norm nowadays and not to worry too much, at least she knows where she stands sort of convo.
    She overall had a nice ride despite the weather and some drivers, and was not discouraged at all, more surprised at the rubbish cycle network west, and the impatient aggro of people hurrying to stop at red lights, or to go park in a car park.

    An enlightening take on our sometimes not so marvellous network, which from my cycling out to Stevenson days, has not actually improved that much,and is better only slightly.

    Best regards

    The Radgeworks and Wife.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. I were right about that saddle

    I've never quite been sure if driving a taxi attracts unstable people or if being cooped up in a motor vehicle with a succession of captive audiences just makes you crazy, but anyway I've stopped even attempting to guess if there are limits to the abysal depths plumbed by taxi drivers' roadcraft.

    Good to hear that Mrs Radgeworks is on two wheels and enjoying it. Hope to see you both at Pedal on Parliament.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. gembo

    @radgeworks, WoL path dry now for future wetward adventures from roseburn. Also canal goes very close to Hermiston as alternative to the Stenhouse path. Did you access via the jenners depository, that is a lovely new bit of Tarmac and goes to corstorphine now all off road and tarmaced, if you have reason to go to corstorphine.

    Shame the tram route didn't incorporate cycle lane then all the crossing could be avoided.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. chdot

    R+w good/useful post!

    Keep them coming.

    Of course she could join CCE herself...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. Radgeworks

    @ Gembo, IWRATS,
    Many thanks for your nice comments,
    and aye i did actually get maself up and out to Listonsheils on Saturday morning up the WOL path from Roseburn, what a world of difference to the February version eh, in as much as the muddy pooey holes were filled in, the path was not a mudfest, everyone i passed was quite chipper and cheery, and the downhill to Slateford was a complete and utter dream ride. And i didnt need 2 buckets of water to clean the bike this time.
    Must make it the last 2miles to North Esk Reservoir when its not horizontal rain and 35mph gusts....

    See you all a POP3, the biggest and best yet hopefully,

    Mr and Mrs Radgeworks.. :-)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Kenny

    What a day for a first bike ride! If she enjoyed it despite yesterday's wind, then she's going to love it today and tomorrow :)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. gembo

    @radgeworks, might be OK up from Listonshiels to Borestane. Descent from there to north esk not much fun but then from Carlops you can come back over the Monks Road passing at the Font Stone( discovered in my pentlands place name book, not a christening font of the field preacher Alexander peden, he of the gimp mask, but a foundation stone of a larger cross. Shame as it has the scooped out hollow for the rain to accumulate in. Alternatively go on to the a702 at ninemileburn for one mile at eight mile burn and go up road to eastside farm and then over between the kips. However, coming back down to Balerno from there still quite wet I imagine,

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. crowriver

    I've never quite been sure if driving a taxi attracts unstable people or if being cooped up in a motor vehicle with a succession of captive audiences just makes you crazy

    See Robert de Niro in 'Taxi Driver' or alternatively Danny DeVito in 'Taxi'. 'Nuff said.

    Would you buy a used bicycle from these characters?

    Posted 10 years ago #

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