Dear all,
Please consider this email to be an invite to the final meeting of the quarterly George Street Stakeholder Group. All are welcome, including members of the public, and anyone with an interest in the future of George Street. Please do forward this invitation on to anyone you feel may wish to contribute.
The meeting will have a slightly different focus from previous meetings. There are 3 key items on the agenda:
Feedback from ongoing on-street customer research project (results from Spring 2015). The intention is to circulate papers on 9 June (the week before the meeting).
There is a procurement process currently underway (which will have completed by 15 June) that is seeking to appoint an independent designer. Their remit is outlined on the link below, having been advertised on Public Contracts Scotland. By 15 June the successful tenderer will be in place, and this meeting will receive an update on who that is, and the important matter of the timeline for their work (and opportunities for involvement) over the summer of 2015.
As the George Street Experimental Traffic Order comes to a conclusion after the summer festival in 2015 (with work to return the street to its former layout taking place through September 2015) this meeting will also be given an update on “what next” for George Street.
As has been the case throughout this trial year for George Street, your views, expertise and participation will be made most welcome at this meeting, and all present will have the opportunity to speak and contribute on the day.
I look forward to seeing you on 15 June at 10am.
Kind regards
Iain MacPhail | City Centre Programme