CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

George Street Improvements

(1200 posts)

  1. chdot

    It was great to chair a meeting at
    with Cllrs,
    and the Edinburgh Access Panel to talk about three things on George Street:
    1 Trees,
    2 Rain Gardens and
    3 Accessibility.

    Progress made!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. neddie

    George Street and First New Town Design Project

    We want to hear what you think about our next phase of the George Street and First New Town project and the design of the cross streets of North Castle Street, Frederick Street and Hanover Street (North)

    Closes 8 Feb 2024

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. gembo

    Big ice rink blocking cars just now but bikes get through

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. Murun Buchstansangur

    @gembo except when there’s gin trucks a-dispensing

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. gembo

    @murun. Aye. Once you add the gin drinkers it will be no go area.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. chdot

    The race is on then…

    The £5.8m project will see the introduction of high-quality pavements and roads, a new cycleway, trees and rain gardens where possible.

    It’s expected that the work will be completed in late autumn 2025.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  7. chdot



    work only due to start late 2025

    Posted 10 months ago #
  8. Arellcat

    It’s expected that the work will be completed in late autumn 2025. only due to start late 2025

    I appreciate we have words like 'expected', but, really, why is Edinburgh so utterly rubbish at this? The city once dithered about smashing a motorway through its middle, so Glasgow took the spoils and smashed a motorway through its middle instead. Glasgow did lose some architecture along the way, and severed Argyle St, but it's sure had the bit between its teeth ever since.

    The only reason I can think of is that more people live in the city centre of Edinburgh than they do in Glasgow, and that means PARKING.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  9. Morningsider

    @Arellcat - there is also the fact the Argyll Street project (slightly longer than George Street but narrower) costs £5.8m when George Steet will cost £36m.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  10. boothym

    The only reason I can think of is that more people live in the city centre of Edinburgh than they do in Glasgow, and that means PARKING.
    Well, that and they have more space to play with? Argyle Street is four lanes with no parking. Victoria Road/South City Way removed the hatched area in the middle of the road and they had parallel routes for the bus gate. St Andrews Drive/South West City Way was four lanes wide with little parking so it was easy to remove a lane:,-4.2865576,71m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

    Where are the places like that in Edinburgh which would be an uncontroversial road to add a cycle track?

    Posted 10 months ago #
  11. Morningsider

    Lanark Road - Slateford Road - West Approach Road - Lothian Road - Princes Street would seem a good Edinburgh candidate. Possibly the A701 corridor (Gilmerton - Bridges). Not as wide as the Glasgow roads, but wide enough to accommodate cycle lanes.

    Plenty of wide streets in central Edinburgh - Lothian Road, Princes/George/Queen Streets, Leith Walk (!)

    Posted 10 months ago #
  12. gembo

    Rain garden easier in Glasgow than Edinburgh too.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  13. dessert rat

    Where are the places like that in Edinburgh which would be an uncontroversial road to add a cycle track?

    Leith Walk being +22m wide all the way down and arrow straight would have seemed an uncontroversial option, but that didn't go so well.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  14. Dave

    Sue Webber MSP is still posing for attack ads against the Lanark Road cycle lane here:

    Posted 10 months ago #
  15. gembo

    There is nothing that can be done with her

    Posted 10 months ago #
  16. acsimpson

    As others have quoted before "you cannot get someone to understand something when their livelyhood requires them not to."

    Posted 10 months ago #
  17. Claggy Cog

    "@Arellcat - there is also the fact the Argyll Street project (slightly longer than George Street but narrower) costs £5.8m when George Steet will cost £36m."

    Why six times the cost? Is it materials Carrera marble or some such. We pay workers more? Architects/planners charging an arm and a leg. How long have Edinburgh citizens been overcharged for similar infrastructure plans?

    The Avenues plan for Glasgow will cost 115m altogether and will take in several streets seems like value for money.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  18. Yodhrin

    @Claggy Cog

    The materials, the endless consultation, the delays caused by faux concern for disabled access - the attitude of heritage-first, endless objections and referrals favoured by the Cockburn you seem to endorse heartily in the other thread has costs and some of them are monetary.

    Glasgow consulted, looked at the evidence to decide what feedback they gathered was actually valid, and just got on with *doing* it rather than pandering for years on end. If someone thought their opinion was more important than experts, decades of evidence(especially that mucky *foreign* sort), or previous democratic mandates they were told to sit down and wait to have their say at the next election. It means things tend to get done more quickly and with less cost.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  19. Morningsider

    I see that the George Street project is now predicted to cost £39.45m. There will also be:

    1. 24hr access for coaches to drop off hotel guests.
    2. unlimited taxi and PHC access between 7pm and 6am.
    3. 24hr access for taxis and PHCs carrying Blue Badge holders.
    4. Mon-Sat loading between 7pm and 10.30am, Sun loading 7pm to 12.30pm.
    5. A one-way system in operation (presumably only for motorised vehicles).

    Worth noting the £4m cost increase is 71% of the total price of the Sauchiehall Street project - but just an 11% increase in total George Street project cost. I know the projects aren't exactly alike, but come on!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  20. neddie

    I like how they optimistically state that they’re going to enforce timed loading by physical measures like mechanical bollards, but are also going to allow 24hr access for taxis carrying blue-badges.

    Schroedinger’s bollards.


    Posted 10 months ago #
  21. chdot

    Another project being delayed due to changes in how the Scottish Government is funding active travel is the (George Street) Cross Street Project - details:

    Posted 10 months ago #
  22. chdot

  23. chdot

    But it says: "Given the current programme for the George Street project and the potential street disruption during construction, it is important to explore alternative routes to connect the CCWEL before the construction of George Street.”

    The options it highlights are Queen Street, Rose Street and Young, Hill and Thistle Streets.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  24. Stickman

    Technical design work is supposed to be completed by the end of this month, with several savings options which will then be presented to councillors at a workshop sometime in the spring to produce an affordable sawn-off version which will then go to the transport committee in June for approval. But it might all be for nothing because a well-placed source says the project is effectively dead, owing to unrelenting financial pressures and a new sense of realism. If, as seems likely, the budget is diverted to public realm improvements on Princes Street, only the cycle lobby will mourn

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  25. Dave

    A breathtaking expense that few will mourn - over 3x Scotland's entire national active travel budget when the SNP first came to power... and yet didn't have a single inch of protected cycle space

    Perhaps now we'll get the obvious continuation of the CCWEL along Queen st (albeit in another 15 years or so)

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  26. neddie

    McLellan is thoroughly nasty cycling troll. His dinosaur opinions are best not amplified. Saying the George St changes are only for a "major cycling route" and blaming it on the "cycle lobby" FFS.

    No McLellan, what you're actually doing is preventing ordinary women and children from walking and cycling and staying healthy, you despicable sick f.

    Article is paywalled anyway, so don't bother clicking it

    That said, it's clear from the CG render that George St would remain motor-dominated even after £30m+ is spent on it...

    There are still traffic lights and signal-controlled pedestrian crossings, and even a centreline marked in the road. I mean why TF would you need a centreline?

    And conveniently all the ugly road markings and signage, pedestrian crossing markings and zig-zags, double-yellows, ASLs, etc have been omitted from the render.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  27. bakky

    If you’d like to experiment with what an article like that might say without a paywall, I believe you could try adding in front of its full URL. You know, just as an experiment.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  28. boothym

    Instead of waiting years for this project are there changes that could be done just now with a couple of bus gates/modal filters to make it safe enough?

    Like a filter to the west side of Frederick Street, remove a few parking spaces to allow turning at the dead end, a bus gate on the east end and an improved connection to CCWEL.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  29. Arellcat

    1. 24hr access for coaches to drop off hotel guests.
    2. unlimited taxi and PHC access between 7pm and 6am.
    3. 24hr access for taxis and PHCs carrying Blue Badge holders.
    4. Mon-Sat loading between 7pm and 10.30am, Sun loading 7pm to 12.30pm.
    5. A one-way system in operation (presumably only for motorised vehicles).

    Even Glasgow didn't try for "faux-pedestrianisation" with Buchanan Street - and this was in 1972! Most evenings (>7pm) you see vehicles for loading wares into shops or for maintenance duties, but the rest of the time it's just people and more people, most walking and a few on bikes.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  30. Yodhrin

    @boothym Of course that's an option, it always was, but This Is Edinburgh Dontcha Know. Can't just stick in a few scruffy lights and signposts or - heaven forefend - freestanding planters, we must pave the road with stone cut by master masons from a quarry blessed by the Queen o' the Fae per a redesign by one of the world's top architects as befits our status and grandeur.

    Crikey, if they put any more temporary-material cycling infrastructure in that part of town half the Cockburn Society would drop dead of the vapours.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #

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