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"First aid skills “as essential as a puncture repair kit” says charity"

(5 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by chdot
  • Latest reply from Instography

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  1. chdot


    St John Ambulance launches cycle-specific first aid app and courses


    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. wee folding bike

    They might have managed to make cycling look dangerous with a specific app.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. Uberuce

    I carry a first aid kit in my saddlebag on jaunts that take me into the wild. I'd take the same if I was walking, mind.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. crowriver

    App downloaded.

    I usually carry a first aid kit on long rides. Have needed to use it once or twice too.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. Instography

    I'll keep the plasters but I've decided that the defibrillator is just extra weight I can do without.

    Posted 10 years ago #

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