If anyone cycles up Morrison Street from Dewar Place, heading into town, they may have noticed that the works associated with expanding the EICC have installed a special cyclist-crushing system as part of the "traffic management" put in to allow the contractors to park their fleet of transit vans behind a security fence.
The pedestrian crossing has been disabled right where the hoarding extends out into the road forcing pedestrians to need to use it. Secondly, they are expecting both ways traffic to co-exist in the space of roughly 75% of the previous 2 road lanes (the previous works in the same location closed Morrison Street to west-bound traffic coming out of Semple Street at this point).
Thirdly they've left the central traffic island in just past the contraflow, forcing cars to move over to the left to pass it, crushing any cyclist trying to filter up the inside.
I'd strongly recommend not filtering here at all and, if you must, go up the middle of the road where it's far safer.