I hope it doesn't break protocol to link to the Telegraph, but this interactive map of cooncil spending on websites made interesting lunchtime reading.
So - if I am reading the chart correctly - it would seem that this year oor cooncil have spent £237,924 on their websites, including £102,800 on redesign costs alone = 50p for every resident in the council area. That's by far and away the highest spend in Scotland (for those reporting) and the 3rd highest per-capita behind our smaller neighbours of East and West Lothian.
Has anyone here been benefiting from this generous investment? I for one would rather have had my 50 pence invested in something more tangible and worthwhile (after all, the website is still a load of un-navigable <insert expletive here>).
Now I can see why as of this morning they've desperately started trying to collect council tax from 4 years ago that I didn't pay when I was a student (because I was a student) - a year after I finally thought it had all been put to bed and sorted by making a trip into cooncil chambers armed with degree certificates and letters from the university.