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How the dutch got their cycle paths.

(4 posts)

  1. Ed1

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    How the Dutch got their cycle paths

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    A great documentary about Greater London Councils cycling infrastructure improvements in the early 1980s.

    Covers policy, implementation and vision. Whatever someone’s politics it is interesting to imagine where UK cycling policy may have been today if the cycling unit and "Livingston's" GLC had not been abolished in 1986.

    Although Boris Johnston and the GLA is doing good work from the Superhighways to "Boris bikes" what happened in the early 1980s must have been quite ground breaking at the time if the momentum had been maintained cycling infrastructure may have been much enhanced today.

    A report that highlights some of the trends in both cycling and policy.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. chdot

    "Whatever someone’s politics it is interesting to imagine where UK cycling policy may have been today if the cycling unit and "Livingston's" GLC had not been abolished in 1986."


    Ken Livingstone 1984 Velo-City London


    1984 was the height of Ken Livingstone’s first shot in charge of London - the era of Fare’s Fair and battles between a Tory government and Red Ken’s GLC.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. chdot

    Another video, really quite impressive -

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    Posted 6 years ago #
  4. LaidBack

    Things get bit heated on the video.
    While the guy was out of his VW combi looking for a fight they should have taken the keys and slammed the door.

    Static vehicles make a very effective barrier and make it unattractive to other drivers. Vehicles also 'respected' more than mere signage.

    Posted 6 years ago #

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