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Motion S4M-11392: The Need for a Direct Ferry Service Between Scotland and Scand

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  1. SRD

    Motion S4M-11392: Angus MacDonald, Falkirk East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 03/11/2014

    The Need for a Direct Ferry Service Between Scotland and Scandinavia

    That the Parliament notes that, following the cessation of the DFDS Harwich to Esbjerg service in September 2014, there is no direct ferry service between the UK and Scandinavia; understands that the historic Newcastle–Stavanger–Bergen service ceased operation in 2008, which meant that there was no direct service between the UK and Norway; believes that a direct service between Scottish and Scandinavian ports would help to increase exports from the Falkirk East constituency and other parts of Scotland to northern Europe while simultaneously attracting tourists with high disposable incomes, and notes the calls for the Scottish Government, the Scotland Office, Scottish Development International and interested regional transport partnerships to work with port and ferry operators to investigate the feasibility of such a project.

    Supported by: Joan McAlpine, Chic Brodie, Bill Kidd, Patrick Harvie, Alison Johnstone, Kenneth Gibson, John Mason, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Christine Grahame, Linda Fabiani, Roderick Campbell, Dennis Robertson, Adam Ingram, Annabelle Ewing, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. Morningsider

    The Rosyth-Zeebruggee route was under serious threat of closure, and its continued future has only been confirmed today:

    New regulations on sulphur in shipping fuel means many marginal routes will become unprofitable. Which is why Harwich-Esbjerg was withdrawn. No-one could possibly run a Scotland-Scandinavia service at a profit and I doubt the Scottish Government would want to subsidise it to the tune of millions of pounds a year.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. bruce_mcadam

    The Noronna used to call at Scrabster and Lerwick as well as ports in Norway, Denmark, Faroe and Iceland.

    Now it just goes between Denmark, Faroe and Iceland.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. I were right about that saddle

    Perhaps it's time to resuscitate the Shetland Bus?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. chdot

    "No-one could possibly run a Scotland-Scandinavia service at a profit"

    On existing trade/passenger 'demand', perhaps.

    Not entirely exaggerating, but it's a bit like the argument against adding pedestrian crossings and 'cycle infrastructure'...

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. cc

    How could a ferry compete against Easyjet, Ryanair, Norwegian, SAS et al?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. LaidBack

    Hard to believe that the islands we're on don't have more than one link to Scandinavia. Not a Scotland vs England thing either as DFDS get around half of their Amsterdam business from Scotland. If a service is right then it should work and attract business - although road capacity to ports then becomes an issue.

    Problem is that air travel has never been cheaper. So fly drive is option many do.

    Bikes don't pay (enough) for ferries although a freight ferry with decent passenger accom would be great.

    Rosyth one does take passengers but you'll have a hard job booking. As it's owned by DFDS they'd rather you went to Newcastle.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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