CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure
Barnet Consequentials
(28 posts)-
Posted 10 years ago #
Former Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP, now promoted to Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, has promised publicly to ‘fight his corner’ to get money for cycling investment should this type of one-off funding opportunity arise. Now he has the chance!
Posted 10 years ago # -
anyone else written?
Posted 10 years ago # -
*bump* *bump*
Posted 10 years ago # -
Will do tonight
Posted 10 years ago # -
I've written a letter to my MSP about this.
ColinPosted 10 years ago # -
I've written to my local and regional MSPs for both my home and office. Both areas will be affected by current government plans to slash funding so hopefully they'll pick up on it.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Posted 10 years ago # -
Got a reply from Jim Eadie, 'Asked John Swinney today in Parly to allocate funds for cycling. Has agreed to meet me to discuss. Thanks for getting in touch'. Seems positive!
Posted 10 years ago # -
With the merest hint, my MSP has submitted the following, slightly incoherent, parliamentary question. Politicians should fear for their seats more often.
S4W-23678: To ask the Scottish Government whether it has allocated an additional £10 million next year for cycling and walking infrastructure following as announced in the budget speech on 9 October 2014 (Official Report, c. 43) or £5 million as maintained by Spoke, the Lothian Cycling Campaign.
Posted 10 years ago # -
I have had two replies - Gavin Brown and Cameron Buchanan - both tories.
both reasonable, encouraging replies.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Reply from Iain Gray. Basically, no. Scottish Labour have asked that all the money go to the health budget.
Posted 10 years ago # -
"asked that all the money go to the health budget"
Perhaps you could you could point out that encouraging walking and cycling properly, would reduce the stress on the NHS.
Posted 10 years ago # -
I will!
This article rather vaguely cites "health experts" in claiming for every £1 invested in cycling, £4 would be saved for the health service.
Anyone have a better reference for this claim? 10 years ago # -
Slightly cagey support from Patrick Harvey. Will only commit to cycling being "one of several priorities".
Posted 10 years ago # -
Thanks SRD for the link! Emails to MSP and the regional MSPs sent off tonight.
Schemieradge - I too have pre-empted the "NHS priority" type of reply with the (rather obvious you would think) reference to a reduced burden to be expected from a healthier, fitter nation.
Posted 10 years ago # -
[+] Embed the video | Video Download Get the Flash Video Posted 10 years ago # -
Translation - stop hassling me, you've had your funding, and *thump* it's now in the long grass.
Is anyone, able to speak politician better than I, able to correct me?
Posted 10 years ago # -
That translation sounds accurate from what he said but not knowing how he normally talks his body language and hesitation leave me wondering if he's doubting his own answer or possibly feeling it's not his decision to make.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Missed this, but I've just found an article suggesting that Nicola Sturgeon has said all Barnet Consequentials will be spent on NHS. Couldn't find a second source. Let's hope they manage to find some money from somewhere during the active travel debate on Jan 7th.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Actually it says they will all be spent on health. If active travel money can be spent on bus stops then surely health money can be spent on active travel...
Posted 10 years ago # -
Spending on cycling infrastructure is a health issue. So says the Faculty of Public Health Medicine.
Posted 10 years ago # -
Thank you everyone who is writing to their MSPs about cycling cash!!
Although the draft budget was disappointing there have been two very useful 'hooks' which have enabled the profile to be kept high and encouraged lots of letters...
1. The error in the budget speech
2. The new opportunity arising from the UK Autumn Statement Barnet Consequentials
We have heard from at least one MSP (admittedly a Lothians one) that they have received 'many' emails about cycling cash.The government announcement of an active travel debate in January, shortly before the budget is finalised, is really encouraging; they'd be unlikely to do that without having some positive announcement to make [though we still could be disappointed!] It is almost certainly due to the weight of lobbying - combined, we have heard informally, with internal discomfiture over the error in the budget speech to Parliament. They can only correct the budget speech error by (a) admitting and retracting it, which seems unlikely, or (b) by adding a minimum of a further £5m specifically for infrastructure, which could be what they will announce in the debate.
Very pleased to see the further PQ recently @inst-igated, which certainly helps to keep up pressure...
With the merest hint, my MSP has submitted the following, slightly incoherent, parliamentary question. Politicians should fear for their seats more often.
S4W-23678: To ask the Scottish Government whether it has allocated an additional £10 million next year for cycling and walking infrastructure following as announced in the budget speech on 9 October 2014 (Official Report, c. 43) or £5 million as maintained by Spoke, the Lothian Cycling Campaign.
I see that the answer to the PQ is to be given a couple of days after the active travel debate - not sure if that is deliberate, but with a bit of luck the answer then can be more accurate than the recent one to the similar PQ by MSP Claudia Beamish!
Posted 10 years ago # -
Invest in public transport and active transport to promote good health, and reduce our impact on climate change
Obesity and climate change are two of the biggest public health challenges we face. Investing in public transport and infrastructure to support active travel, such as walking and cycling routes, and better planning to make services and amenities more accessible by foot, cycle or public transport, will increase levels of physical activity. This will promote both physical and mental health and wellbeing, reduce
the risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, stroke and musculoskeletal problems, and help cut carbon emissions, as well as air and noise pollution."
Posted 10 years ago # -
I'd vote for that.
Posted 10 years ago # -
"Introduce a 20% duty (per litre) on sugar sweetened beverages"
is it the per cent or the per litre which they forgot to remove?
Posted 10 years ago # -
Each litre gets 20% duty added so that two litre bottle of Irn Bru you can buy in the Co-op for £1 would cost £1.20.
Posted 10 years ago # -
I wrote to my MSP's and have had a couple of replies so far. Sarah Boyack has given the most in depth reply so far...
Posted 10 years ago #
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