Yesterday morning, about a mile out from work on the Roseburn, an unspecified occasional knocking in certain gears on the sparebike turned into a freewheel which was no longer attached to the hub:
Upon getting it home, it turns out that the front bit of the freewheel mechanism (the bit requiring a pin spanner to take off) had come unscrewed by itself, allowing some bearings to escape. The bit which unscrews from the hub does not appear to have become unscrewed from the freewheel, despite the freewheel not being attached to the hub any more. I was more concerned with extracting a different freewheel from an old wheel to stick on a new wheel before tranferring the tyre last night, so have not yet managed to inspect the old freewheel sufficiently closely to see if the bit which the freewheel usually screws onto at the hub has become detached from the hub.
My question is: what might have been causing the knocking sound? The bit that has to be loosened with a pin spanner was fairly tight when I checked it the other day, although I do not currently have my pin spanner. The freewheel had a very slight waggle to it, but the knocking sound only occurred on the third and fourth-smallest sprockets and I hadn't properly investigated the frequency to see if it was every-wheel-rotation or every-jockey-wheel-rotation.