Looking for another bike ideally used tourer I think.
Since getting my bike last summer I have done about 1700miles. I have been using it to go to work once a week and at weekends.
AS I cycle more I find my bike a bit small it’s a size large I am just over 6 foot. Because I live in the country very few of my journeys are less than 5 miles so I thought may be a tourer would best so I could cycle everyday to work in summer.
I was looking on line last week and decided what I need is something like a dawes galaxy ideally steel frame, I noticed a dawes galaxy on line in soul cycle size 58 steel frame on Monday for £375 and went to buy it on Thursday but it was sold the day before.
I was wondering where is the best place to buy a used bike on line or just keep checking the bike shops web sites. I was thinking a steel frame size 58 or 59 a tourer or another bike I could add a butter fly as not sure if fit enough for a racer, also the narrow wheels may not work so well in the pot holes on my road so tourer may be best.
I bought a brooks from cycle discount in Germany for 50 but think may be steal frame bike would be better still as wrists still get numb from vibration although part of that is having a flat bar with only one handlebar position.
I have been noticing the bikes that go past my house on ncr 75 most do not have flat bars unlike in edinburgh where flat bars are the most common so bars may be part of the issue on my regular 12 mile journey.
I see on line some bikes are 20 or 30 year old would I be correct in assuming I should avoid anything with old wheel sizes as tires could be problematic?