Maybe someone could try and get a Tory to denounce the Wombles for spreading TB, or get a Labourer to ridicule the Clangers for being anti-Trident-renewal.
CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!
Do we need a GE2015 thread?
(619 posts)-
Posted 9 years ago #
Trendinalia UK (@trendinaliaGB)
22/04/2015 23:00
6. Hernandez
7. Paddington Bear
8. Pat Butcher
9. Robin Williams
10. Evan Davis2015/4/22 22:55 BST #trndnl
Posted 9 years ago # -
Thomas the Tank Engine as a model for running the railways?
Mr Ben showing the benefits of local independent shops?
Posted 9 years ago # -
some not very nice stuff here re the SNP candidate in my constituency. possibly explains my earlier comments re how quiet they've been about what he has actually done before this?
Posted 9 years ago # -
More generally, it still amazes me that politicians *still* don't understand the Internet.
So far this election we've seen Grant Shapps on Wikipedia, the edited footage of Salmond's joke, the LibDems with various leaks (eg Sturgeon & French amabassador), Labour with its attempt to portray Miliband as a Twitter sex symbol and now this SNP guy. And that's just off the top of my head.
Learn the lesson: you can't hide things on the Internet. There is no delete button. It's all out there forever. You may have a couple of researchers working for you, but there are thousands of people out there who will dig about and show your manipulation. And they are way, way better at it than you.
Just quit it, ok?
Posted 9 years ago # -
What would happen at this stage if a candidate was withdrawn, when all the lists and things are made up and some postal votes may have already been sent in? Votes for the disappeared candidate discounted and the rest contest or delay-and-by-election?
Posted 9 years ago # -
Is this the wrong thread??
CORROSION problems on the Forth Road Bridge have accelerated with a 12-fold increase in wire breaks recorded by engineers.
An investigation is soon to get under way to determine the cause of the breaks within the main east cable.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Posted 9 years ago #
I'm not sure what would happen if they withdrew but I don't think Sturgeon has the power to do that.
If he was expelled from the SNP then I suspect he would remain in the election and should enough people agree with his abuse that he wins he would be become an independent MP. I suspect there comes a point where it is too late to remove his name/party from the ballot papers.
Although most people seem to forget it we vote for individuals in this country rather than parties. If he was to withdraw and still appear on the ballot papers then it's possible he could win which may force a by-election.
Posted 9 years ago # -
A candidate can withdraw from the general election, but they had to do it by 4pm on 19 April. Any later and they remain on the ballot papers. What happens after the election is a matter for the candidate. If successful, the newly elected MP could be expelled from their party but not forced to resign as an MP (unless found guilty of pretty serious criminality) - see the travails of Eric Joyce for details.
Posted 9 years ago # -
But those who claim to treasure a united Britain can’t have it both ways. Either Scotland is part of the union or it isn’t. If it is, whoever Scottish voters elect has the same right to play a part in Westminster politics as any other party.
Posted 9 years ago # -
What do you make of Wings' take on the Great Edinburgh South Twitter Scandal?
Posted 9 years ago # -
Excellent spinning.
I didn't think any of the particular things he said were individually damning, but that they showed a distinct lack of judgement, especially for someone who has political aspirations.
If I found a good reason to support him, then I might, but all this does is tip me from 'neutral' to negative. I still have no sense of who he is, what his business interests are/were or anything else about him.
Posted 9 years ago # -
I read a variety of blogs across the politics spectrum and am used to the more, ahem, "robust" style of some of them, so most of the flaming, swearing and anger just washes over me. However I find Wings slightly sinister. He does come across as genuinely hating No voters. I imagine him taking on the Yezhov role in his vision of an independent Scotland.
What's your take on his spat with Kevin Hague?
My view is increasingly "kill them all and let God sort them out". ;-)
Posted 9 years ago # -
IWRATS - very poor I would say. Yes, the issue was overblown. However, Neil Hay has shown very poor judgement - not a characteristic you really want in an MP.
I can't really see the relationship between tweets by an activist/blogger etc. and someone seeking elected office.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Not hugely surprising especially given Wings has previous for insulting pensioners.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Cameron: "In Lincoln there is a need for a new bypass. What chance is there of getting that if Labour is dependent on the SNP?"
A new bypass to replace the one going from the Wragby road anticlockwise to the south-west, or one to cover the whole Canwick Hill/Pelham Bridge/South Park Avenue/Newark Road area, which is currently worse for traffic than usual due to resurfacing of South Park Avenue? Why not first try introducting some Pelham Bridge-style tidal direction-changing lanes elsewhere?
Posted 9 years ago # -
Cameron: "In Lincoln there is a need for a new bypass. What chance is there of getting that if Labour is dependent on the SNP?"
Pretty easily if the Tories also think a bypass is a good idea and vote on it.SNP won't really have any blocking powers on non-contentious "England-only" issues if the 2 main parties aren't in disagreement.
Labour would only be reliant on the SNP for things the Tories want to block.
Certain parts of the press really are getting their knickers in a twist about the prospect of coalitions or minority governments. Post-WW2 W. Germany only ever had 1 occasion with a single party majority and modern re-unified Germany has never had a single-party majority. Minority administrations work the world over, do not mean economic or political chaos, can result in sensible and stable goverments that make it harder for the governing bloc to pass contentious or radical bills.
Posted 9 years ago # -
"Minority administrations work the world over "
Belgium even managed to survive without a formal government for over a year. I don't think the world is going to end.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Your Edinburgh Evening News and our parent company Johnston Press have joined forces with Twitter to get to the heart of the issues which matter in the approaching general election.
Johnston Press has set up a website called WhatMattersToMe ( which showcases hundreds of short videos of people from across the UK sharing their views on the issues which are key for them in the election debate.
Posted 9 years ago # -
@chdot is that 'Mmm' the one you'd make in anticipation of a large piece of cake and warming tea after a long ride (i.e. one full of enthusiasm)?
...or not?
Posted 9 years ago # -
Don't tend to do cake after a ride.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Evading the question?
Posted 9 years ago # -
@winpig - yes, I'd noticed that. Do you think chdot has been watching/listening to too many politicians recently?
Posted 9 years ago # -
The Tartan Tories that had left us and voted SNP but didn’t believe in independence have come home to us
Posted 9 years ago # -
I see my prediction way up thread of moral liberal democrats is coming to fruition with Nick clegg only wanting to deal with Tories/party with the largest number of seats. And apparently not willing to be in a coalition with labour and SNP??
Rhona Cameron was hilariously bizarre on today programme just there. She trotted out the I have voted labour all my life but now I am voting SNP line. (Then alluded to death threats). She then made a number of other possibly satirical remarks and then at the end she said she lived in Hampstead and would be voting labour but locally the Tories were better at protecting the Heath. Hampstead not Ted.
Posted 9 years ago # -
Local Tory candidate was in our street a couple of nights ago. I suspect he himself realised the slight futility and was just on his own, not knocking on doors, simply posting leaflets. He looked like he needed a hug.
Posted 9 years ago # -
I missed the intro. Wondered who she was.
The intervention by the former MP for Sheffield Hallam to rewrite (respeak?) the constitution is a measure of how bonkers this whole thing has become. If the Red and McYellow parties form a voting block in defiance of his new diktat what's he going to do exactly? Get the Daily Mail to write fulminating leaders, or ask the army to impose martial law?
Posted 9 years ago # -
Poor judgement indeed, that is beyond all doubt. Professional politicians usually have henchmen to do the dirty work. I do wonder how a disinterested journalist might decide to handle this in respect of Twittergate.
Mr Campbell of Wings is a very particular character. I like the fully referenced journalism he does, and accept his right to engage in personal spats without ever taking an interest in them. I think he's quite combative, but also determined and talented.
Posted 9 years ago # -
gembo - Hampstead Heath belongs to the City of London Corporation, which doesn't involve anything as new-fangled as political parties.
Posted 9 years ago #
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