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Do we need a GE2015 thread?

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  1. crowriver

    I used to know Joanna Cherry QC before she was a QC, and before obviously she became an SNP candidate. Indeed I'm not even convinced she was a party member at that time.

    She is (or was) a nice person. I went out with her sister for a while, so knew her reasonably well.

    Whether she'll make a good MP I don't know, but I do know she is a good debater, having sparred verbally with her on occasion.

    Oh and I hate all this car cavalcade nonsense. Getting the triumphalism in a tad early, perhaps?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. gembo

    Yes crowriver I think she is a good person and absolutely nothing to do with my Frank McAvateeMcAvetee remarks. Perhaps in fact she is a warm and voluble human being most of the time but just the two times she met me I had a bad effect on her. She was with bill the local SNP councillor who is also a nice guy (especially if you avoid politics) I nearly made a walloping faux pas by asking him if Joanna was his wife.

    I think the SNP will be inviting Richard Hammond up for a total wipeout show. Just a tad of the Neil Kinnock triumphalism before a fall in the cavalcade but that is just a feint memory.

    Gillespie Xroads has a wee red stall some mornings and I gave them a clench fist Victory Is Ours Salute from the advanced stopping box the other day. This raised a cheer. Then I said - In a parallel universe. This raised a laugh.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. wee folding bike

    Frank McAvetee often seems like a decent guy. He got the BtW scheme running again in Glasgow. I emailed him about it but the two events might not be related. I'm not sure what else he has done right enough.

    He makes the odd mistake and the bus was a bit naughty.

    I'd rather have him as the MP than Ms Curran.

    SQA marking finished unless they send me some more.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. chdot

  5. chdot


    DECADES of election tradition are set to come to an end this week when the massive task of counting all of Edinburgh’s votes is switched to a new venue.

    Meadowbank sports centre has been the focus of activity on most election nights since it opened 45 years ago.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. Tulyar

    I'm hoping that some savvy campaign teams put a running exit poll on-line/twitter for the local constituency.

    The former incumbent in my patch 'inherited' the seat from his dad, and is a consumate 'suit' and he ran rings around the 'wet behind the ears' young woman that SNP has pitched up for PPC.

    The Green PPC OTOH does seem to have a more nimble brain - and is female - despite the attempt at gender reassignment by the company that provides the lobby listings to most charities and NGO's.

    That leaves me thrawn - especially as we lost our gorgeous (George) when the boundaries - rigged to depose Woy and install George, were again rigged to depose George. Hence a need for the clear picture of how it is running on the day. If Greens look to be in with a chance they have a far better candidate, but if there is a danger of splitting the vote it may need to be SNP, although with 3 'socialist' candidates there may be some erosion of the Labour vote already.

    I'm just waiting to see who gets a branded pedicab out for an early morning photo-call (on the breakfast TV news and in the pm dead-tree media) to ferry voters to the Polling Place(s)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. gembo

    @tulyar, is this Hillhead? The old Hillhead as was and then Kelvin and then split three ways, Central, North and north west. The company that provides the lobby listings has branched out into gender reassignment? 'Struth. Hillhead Always wasa boho sort of constituency.

    SNP also has a twenty year old woman (not sure of the moisture content in the area to the rear of her lugs) standing against wee dougie alexander. He has had to meet some constituents.

    I am happy for young people to go to Westminster but have slight feeling that these candidates were not at the top of the SNP list of long term activists to be awarded with safe seats. In a novel turnaround they could appoint their parents as their staff?

    Obviously, it is not a completely ridiculous proposition that you could vote labour? So unfashionable that they might just be becoming fashionable again. I am for it now. I can hear the blades of the purple Nicola sturgeon helicopter whirring ever closer. Yes I must obey ....

    Don't mind me, I am just a whimsical old man. I even nearly felt sorry for Jim Murphy and Eddie Izzard yesterday when the guy was right up next to them with the megaphone. Ok use a megaphone from a distance or go right up next to someone and shout if you must. But surely going right up next to them and using a megaphone is too much? What, Nicola? No I see it is alright yes and they were never in the SNp or are suspended. Yes just a bit of fun. Murphy must be heckled at all times for his Iraq crimes. Yes I agree. Yes. yes.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. Stickman

    My father-in-law had a knock on the door from Labour canvassers a few weeks ago. Wee Dougie was introduced to him once it was confirmed that FIL was not hostile. Wee Dougie gave FIL a personal follow up phone call last week.

    I was born and brought up in Glasgow Hillhead/Kelvin. Vaguely remember Woy, definitely remember George. Boundary changes mean my parents were in Anniesland constituency, seat of Donald Dewar. Further changes put them into the functionally named Glasgow North.

    Dewar stayed a few streets away from us. Said hello to him frequently in the street. Regardless of your politics, he was an absolute gentleman and a lovely man. I still remember a wave of sadness/shock when I heard he had died.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. Stickman

    On experience of SNP candidates: didn't Alan Hansen say you can't win anything with kids?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. gembo


    Woy was the MP when I arrived at uni but George was the MP when I left? Possibly because the Anderston area became part of Hillhead. Prior to Woy it was Tam Galbraith (Tory) who held Hillhead over four elections.

    Gorgeous was not popular with half the constituency party. On wiki there is a reference to an advert in Tribune - Missing One MP, answers to George, also answers to Gorgeous. Last seen in Romania. Please return to constituency party.

    George sued and settled out of court as the claim he had only been to one party meeting in a year was apparently untrue and the counter claim that he had been to five meetings did seem to have some cred. Obviously, this sort of mix-up, often involving expenses, dogged George from his war on want days but he was always vindicated. It seems he is a bit like marmite?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. I were right about that saddle

    It feels like we've all been invited to a beheading on Thursday. The atmosphere is most odd - portentous and fractious. Whatever it is, this isn't a celebration of our collective sovereignty.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. wee folding bike

    gembo, you don't think Mr Murphy got what he wanted there? His other rallies were done at 0700 hrs and there is a Hotherstall tweet which suggests the hoped for outcome.

    I liked some of the musical selections and the lady who claimed the one from the Sound of Music was sung by Nazis has obviously no understanding of the film.

    I'll be there for the polls opening, Brompton in hand.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. SRD

    Fascinating electoral results from Canada - NDP Landslide in Alberta. NDP is a democratic socialist party that has been very much a. 'Third party' nationally. Alberta is (or was) the most conservative/right wing province.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  14. "What, Nicola? No I see it is alright yes and they were never in the SNp or are suspended...."

    This was the line of reasoning / attack on the Jeremy Vine show yesterday interviewing Sturgeon. I'm genuinely interested to know what party leaders (of any hue) should do about people who are not members of the party or have been suspended going about heckling people? Should they have power to put these people under house arrest? Suspend their freedom of speech temporarily?

    The treatment of Murphy (odious though he is) was OTT, but I honestly don't understand 'how' a party can stop that kind of thing without physical gagging

    Posted 9 years ago #
  15. chdot

    "you don't think Mr Murphy got what he wanted there?"

    You main major fuss about minor event?

    This was on Twitter (don't know anything about 'snapshot' nature).

    Posted 9 years ago #
  16. wee folding bike

    The left hand protester is Empire Biscuit who plagued Labour MPs with the Imperial March in September. He had the entertaining musical selection.

    He posted video and I can't see Mr Murphy in it anywhere.

    The photo in the papers of Mr Murphy and Mr Coates face to face looks Photoshopped.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  17. SRD

    "The photo in the papers of Mr Murphy and Mr Coates face to face looks Photoshopped."

    I have seen reports that there are pictures of the picture being taken. But haven't actually seen the picture of the picture.

    Good grief.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  18. wee folding bike

    You can see the photo here:

    Something just looks wrong.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  19. chdot

    Click on graphic above for more - not really many people there.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  20. Nelly


    Yes, Jim Murphy appears to be looking into the middle distance and also looks much closer to the camera than sean clarkin.

    Surprised so many people fall for this stuff post Referendum, but I guess that the vast majority still believe in a free and impartial(ish) press.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  21. Stickman

    "Suspend their freedom of speech temporarily?"

    Well, the SNP parliamentary group (Holyrood/Westminster) aren't allowed to criticise the party or another party member in public.....

    (Yes, I know, not technically a freedom of speech issue - they could quit the SNP if they want to say something)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  22. SRD

    I've seen both sides/angles etc argued and really don;t care which one is correct. Murphy appalls me on many, many levels, but I also think 'the Nats' are stupid to be doing this. it's totally conterproductive.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  23. SRD

  24. wingpig

    Some of the associated user footage appeared to show unliveried people who appeared to be members of the entourage elbow-and-shouldering people out of the way of the Murphy/Izzard bolus on its way up the street. I briefly considered seeing if I could share it from the timeline of an SNP-supporting former colleague onto the wall of a BT/Labour internet-associate to see what if it had any effect on them (or, more particularly, their associates' Godwin-invoking frothing), but left it alone.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  25. "Suspend their freedom of speech temporarily?"

    Well, the SNP parliamentary group (Holyrood/Westminster) aren't allowed to criticise the party or another party member in public.....

    I can understand that (though I really don't like party politics that shut down personal expression, after all it's lead to a lot of UKIP candidates exposing themselves which can only be a good thing that they get booted out), but what if they aren't members or have been suspended already and/or kicked out? There was a strong suggestion on the radio that the SNP shold be able, and should be actively trying, to silence Joe Public who, while agreeing with SNP policy, aren't actually members of the party. Which just seemed odd to me.

    As SRD says it's all a bit 'good grief', and as with the IndyRef debate there are muppets on either side of the divide, but I just wish impartial commentators or interviewers would do a bit of research or even engage their brains to think about what they're saying.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  26. crowriver

    Well not long now until the polls open.

    I hope you all vote for a candidate who you feel would best represent you and your beliefs, or would stand up for the concerns of constituents.

    I know I will.

    Good luck, and remember: vote early, vote often! :-)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  27. gibbo

    "Some of the associated user footage appeared to show unliveried people who appeared to be members of the entourage elbow-and-shouldering people out of the way of the Murphy/Izzard bolus on its way up the street."

    I saw that on one of the news channels.

    I think Murphy is quite savvy and wanted to provoke a face off.

    Having said that, those protesters really should stick to their own party's events. Do unto others...

    Posted 9 years ago #
  28. "vote early"

    Roughly two weeks ago ;)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  29. chdot

  30. slowcoach

    “We find our positive campaign about what we want to do, rather than attacking the other parties, is going down well.”
    I remember the LibDems in 2010 also attacking others for negative campaigning, also without a hint of realising the contradiction in their claim.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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