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Do we need a GE2015 thread?

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  1. "I remember the LibDems in 2010 also attacking others for negative campaigning, also without a hint of realising the contradiction in their claim."

    It is odd isn't it. 'Look, we're not negative, unlike that other lot, look how miserable they are, always complaining about other parties and what they're doing, we don't do that, unlike the rest, we don't slag other parties off, but the others are really bad at slagging other parties off etc etc etc"

    Just glad it's all over soon! (though with a hung parliament (no Labour, you are NOT going to get a majority, no matter how many times that is your answer to the question of whether you would prefer a Tory led government to working with the SNP - how much did that statement damage them in Scotland?) there will inevitably be weeks of hand wringing to come (and another election?)).

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. PS

    how much did that statement damage them in Scotland?

    They're between a rock and a hard place with that one. "Of course we'll work with the SNP" undermines Scottish Labour candidates, whilst adding further fuel to what seems to be the key tactical plank of the Conservative's rump of a campaign, which is entirely focused on English marginals.

    This has been the most nakedly "tactical" election campaign I have seen. Unfortunately, despite the massive cynicism in the electorate, most people seem to be clinging on to the idea that the politicians are saying what they mean as opposed to saying what they think will work best for them in a tactical sense over the next few weeks...

    The only sensible response to all of this is electoral reform, but that will be like the Conservative, Labour and (on the current showing) SNP turkeys voting for Christmas. A big test of progressiveness.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. paddyirish

    how much did that statement damage them in Scotland?

    As a non-Labour voter, think Miliband is right to play the long game and say no to SNP. He'll win more seats in England than he'll lose in Scotland that way., but would have won more if he'd done it earlier.

    Think he should call SNPs bluff, not do a deal and then I think he would win a 2nd election this year, with more seats in England and Scotland. Doubt he'll have the cojones to do it though...

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. wee folding bike

    Ms Sturgeon had ruled out a deal before Ed did. She has the example of the LibDems to see that a deal would be a bad thing and vote by vote is better.

    The downside is that none of her MPs get a ministerial post. Less cash, no ministerial car.

    There is no way for Ed to stop the SNP supporting a Labour Queen's speech. There is also no political way he can support a Tory Queen's speech. Well, outwith a Labour /Tory grand coalition that is. If they do that I'd need to buy a lot more popcorn.

    If (Tory + LibDem + whoever) < (Labour + SNP + whoever) then Ed can move in as soon as Mr Cameron decides to move out.

    Willmington, how can it be possible that people do not enjoy these things? It's great sport.

    OTOH there seems to be some doubt that I enjoyed last night's 2 hour BBC 4 show about a canal… I've only seen the first hour so far. Can't wait to see how it ends.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. PS

    @wfb [SPOILER] I liked the pillbox, and the aqueduct at the end is OMG amazing. [/SPOILER]

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. wee folding bike

    Arggggggggggg, I was looking forward to that and now you've ruined the whole thing.

    I've got it recorded on the iMac.

    Did you notice there didn't seem to be sound from the boat carrying the camera?

    I only meant to watch 5 mins and an hour later I was still there but had to go to bed.

    If you have a couple of hours to spare:

    It is strangely wonderful.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. wee folding bike

    And Errol Brown has died.

    Another one gone.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. wee folding bike

    Just had a personal letter from John Reid, former MP for Airdrie.

    The management got the same personal letter.

    More bothered about Errol Brown myself.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. PS

    Did you notice there didn't seem to be sound from the boat carrying the camera?

    True, but the engine of a narrow boat tends to be right at the back, IIRC, so it would be a good 20 metres away from the microphone which was presumably pointing forward, away from the engine.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. chdot

    "The photo in the papers of Mr Murphy and Mr Coates face to face looks Photoshopped."

    Suspect the guy is shouting at someone else.

    This also from Twitter and presumably taken about the same time from a different angle.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. crowriver

    I watched the repeat at 1am for about 30 minutes. Absolutely mesmerising! Love the way the water changes colour. I found the text a bit annoying though, like a silent voiceover... Will watch the whole thing on iPlayer tonight if I get time.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. acsimpson

    Has a lib lab coalition been ruled out? Last time round Clegg seemed happy to join whoever had he majority.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. gembo

    Saw it on TV, definitely shouting You're a liar Mr Murphy so assume he was shouting at him. I don't think they like him, but I could be wrong. They were often with him during indyref but not sure how Far East they travel?

    Labour had a lot of trouble with entryists in the 1980s.

    Plus ca change plus ca le meme chose

    Posted 9 years ago #
  14. chdot

  15. I were right about that saddle

    Polls are open. Lets hope we elect a wise parliament that will choose us a decent government.

    Still not seen a swift.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  16. gembo

    Morning IWRATS, more chance you will see a swift soon than we get a wise parliament choosing a decent govt?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  17. I were right about that saddle


    I suspect it's more likely I'll see an alpine swift, but we must live in hope.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  18. chdot

    "Lets hope we elect a wise parliament that will choose us a decent government."

    Nice sentiment!

    Neatly encapsulating the "we" and 'them'.

    The whole thing is really quite bizarre in the sense that there does seem (if the polls are remotely accurate) to be a 'collective wish' for some sort of coalition - and perhaps even a different voting system.

    Whatever the final seat numbers and party permutations, it seems likely that there will also be an increased desire for more devolution/local control in England.

    BUT whoever gets to live at No. 10 for 5 years (or less) and however wise their Cabinet and coalition (and probably non-coalition) backers, all problems - economic, social, domestic and international will not be solved!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  19. chdot


    Mr Murphy said: “We have told Ian Smart his behaviour is unacceptable. He has been left in no uncertain terms about that.”

    Mr Murphy had earlier said there was a ‘world of difference’ between Mr Smart and the ‘angry mob trying to prevent democratic debate’, in reference to the protesters who disrupted the event in Glasgow city centre on Monday.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  20. chdot

    Random from Twitter


    Amanda (@Amanda37604879)
    07/05/2015 08:24
    Never in my life have I not known what party to vote @scottishlabour @theSNP @Conservatives look like I have to wing it.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  21. Baldcyclist

    Swifts in my front garden for a couple weeks now. The nest in my eves still not occupied though.

    Who knows what tomorrow will bring....

    Posted 9 years ago #
  22. chdot

    Telegraph Political Correspondent


    @benrileysmith: One Scottish Labour source: "Six seats would be good; a dozen would be spectacular." Currently on 41.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  23. chdot

    With campaign literature like this he probably deserves to get back in!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  24. chdot

  25. chdot

    Take your pick



    Posted 9 years ago #
  26. Morningsider

    Latest Lord Ashcroft UK-wide poll is out now, predicting a Labour Conservative tie at 33% each:

    Posted 9 years ago #
  27. Stickman

    Ruth Davidson's tweets of top 20 campaign moments are excellent:

    "@RuthDavidsonMSP: 6. Tandem bikes are REALLY hard to control. Especially when you & tandem partner (@John2Win) have Laurel & Hardy bodyshapes #neverhavingkids"

    Posted 9 years ago #
  28. wingpig

    For some reason the campaign to get "Jedi" down as a listed religion via the 2001 census just popped into my head.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  29. chdot

  30. chdot

    Posted 9 years ago #

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