I was invited into a meeting with the head of training for Lothian Buses last week. This was in response to an email conversation after I complained about a driver a few months back.
The meeting was very positive, interesting and informative.
Although nothing has been agreed or planned, I have an invitation to meet again to discuss cyclist awareness issues with their drivers in the near future, should I wish.
Sorry if that sounds a bit woolly, but I don't want to jeopardise a fledgling relationship by being too blabby after one date!
If any of you have a particular interest in this topic (Lothian Buses driving standards)and want to contribute and perhaps help in any initiatives we might come up with, please feel free to PM.
I do feel this is a good opportunity to start something which would allow two way conversation and swapping of ideas in how cyclists and buses react with each other - again if you have ideas on how this could work - feel free to pitch in with a PM
One thing I don't want - and I'm sure LB don't either - is an alternative complaints procedure. Complaining about driving or drivers is easy via their website, please stick to using that.
I think there is a wee chance here to be proactive and perhaps build a positive relationship with a local company most city cyclists have to engage with on a regular but not always positive basis - maybe we can help them improve?
As I say, all embryonic, but a door is open - theirs and mine!