Enjoying the Sustrans headline - Our paths are crap.
Obviously they are not all crap and Sustrans has the confidence to call itself out, which is nice. It is not Gerald Ratner.
Some of them do go a very long way so variability is inevitable. London to Brighton is hilarious. Or I might mean hysterical. At one point you go down the back of a vineyard and also through some sort of secret Catholic Church campus. Also locals twisting the poles round.
Stirling route does have the man road very busy very bad. Also if you follow to the letter fu NY ponds down by the forth where you have to push or carry your bike.
Works better say going out of reading lovely quiet country lanes villages with pubs, cricket on the village green, gammon brexit Eers beneath the chocolate box veneers, creeping into south Oxfordshire, all art studios and alternative therapies until didxot massive defunct power station and on to the Isis at Oxford. (Some of this would not work for a handcyclist e.g. NeAr Oxford there is a fare before you get on the towpath next to the Isis.