CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

A Bugbear of Mine: Charlotte Square

(21 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by Wilmington's Cow
  • Latest reply from Dave

  1. This has annoyed me for a while, and is just another little thing that makes a mockery of the council claim to make Edinburgh a 'Model Cycling City'.

    The cut through past Old Registers House from Randolph Place to Charlotte Square is useful. So useful in fact that it's part of Sustrans NCN1.

    Now let's just forget for a moment that on the Charlotte Square side there's no dropped kerb, and on the Randolph Place side there's a dropped kerb onto a manhole cover and the most uneven and gappy cobbles in the city. Forget that poor aspect of the cycling infrastructure.

    When the tram works began and buses were divered onto Charlotte Square (the surface of which was never obviously intended for that heavy traffic, it's shifted so much in the last couple of years) a temporary bus stop was put in. So temporary it's still there, and marked on GoogleMaps. And where do they put it? Right in the way of the entrance and exit to this lane.

    Heading west to east it's not tooooo bad because the stop ends just to the left of the exit, although it completely obscures traffic travelling around the square when a bus is stopped. But going east to west, as I did this morning, if you have two buses there it's a right royal pain in the proverbial. The buses completely block off access and you're left with a choice between the typical 'cyclists dismount' scenario, or riding along the pavement for 10 yards suffering the glowers of those walking along the pavement (or disgorging from the bus).

    Just a legal technical point, to gain access to a route on which you are legally allowed to cycle you are allowed to cycle on the pavement where normally you wouldn't - I've stretched this rule so that if a bus is (as is the norm) blocking the normal access, I can adopt an alternative access.

    So just what could the council have done to maintain the aura of this grand move towards a cycling culture to rival Copenhagen and Amsterdam? Well on the south side of Old Registers House there is an identical alleyway, on which cycles are not allowed, which offers two solutions.

    1. Change the cycle route to the other side, one benefit being that those travelling west to east do not have the view of the road obscured on coming out; or

    2. Have the bus stop blocking access to THAT alleyway instead.

    The current situation doesn't show malice towards cyclists, but just shows that any time ANY councillor says that they want the city to be a 'Model Cycling City' they are, and I'm afraid this is true, lying. If they were telling the truth the council would have a dedicated team of more than one chap fielding enquiries and coming up with ideas, and utterly idiotic things like this simply would NOT be put in place.

    The Danes and the Dutch would be laughing their socks off.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. Dave

    It is rediculous. When it was on my route, I often used to cycle the other lane on the basis that it is a) identical to the 'legal' option and b) doesn't involve riding out blindly in front of buses.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Min

    It is yet another example of the type of thoughtless crap we have to put up with.

    Of course you realise that any complaint to the council will result in a nice big "Cyclists dismount" sign right about where your bike is parked?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. LaidBack

    So useful in fact that it's part of Sustrans NCN1.

    Could be a lot better...

    Of course the NCN1 is even more mysterious between Meadows and Innocent Railway. I bought the Coast and Castles route map and the route is clearly marked on map using Rankeillor St and down the dead end street with the wheelie bins and railings at top. (You know - the one none of us use!)

    NCN status is no guarantee of anything I'm sorry to say.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. chdot

    "down the dead end street with the wheelie bins and railings at top"

    I'll believe Edinburgh MIGHT become a 'model cycling city' when this is sorted.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. PS

    I'm not sure we can say that Councillors are lying when they say they want Edinburgh to be a Model Cycling City - I'm sure quite a few of them want it to be a MCC, it's just that they can't be *rsed to put in the (relatively minor) effort that it would take.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. RJ

    I am on occaion tempted to ride right on to a number 86 bus* and ask for a single. Slightly tickier with a tag-along ;)

    * - some 86 journeys start there, so the buses are frequently parked up and waiting just like in anth's first picture ...

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. LaidBack

    I'll believe Edinburgh MIGHT become a 'model cycling city' when this is sorted.

    Maybe that route is a 'note of intent' by Sustrans.
    They should remove railings as soon as possible and take it from there. Everything is possible... just gone optimistic as these changes are so easy to do...

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. chdot

    "They should remove railings as soon as possible"

    Yes, but

    "and take it from there"

    I think the reality is that they won't do anything until they can devise a 'proper' scheme.

    It's not that the Council doesn't know about the 'issue'.

    It's the same old 'balance' between cyclists, pedestrians, cars, buses, 'safety' etc. etc. which favours the status quo.

    "just gone optimistic"

    Well on the plus side, CEC is trying to remove pedestrian railings. I presume that section is there because of some sort of fear that a kid would run up Gifford Park and onto the main road.

    Moving the bins might be more of a problem!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. cb

    When the council changed Charlotte Sq from being a "roundabout" to having two way traffic on the south side the intention was to close off the north side at the NE corner. However LRT /insisted/ that they should be able to drive right around the square as they had always done. Hence, if things had played out differently there wouldn't be /any/ buses there.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. chdot

    "They should remove railings as soon as possible"

    For anyone who doesn't know where Gifford Park is -

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. druidh

    For entry to/egress from Charlotte Square, I much prefer the big wide cycle-suitable track which goes around the corner with Ryans Bar on it. There is even a facility for helping to ensure that non-wheeled traffic can cross the track safely.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  13. Yeah, but it's quite a detour and the alleyway cut through is signposted as a cycle route and part of the national cycle network so this is more about the principal of providing good cycling facilities where you say they are.

    If the NCN route 1 went round Ryan's Bar there wouldn't be an issue...

    Posted 13 years ago #
  14. Dave

    Also, the problem is that the Ryan's bar route doesn't actually work (unless they've changed it a lot since I changed jobs).

    Time was, before the tram debacle, people heading from south to north would go right down Lothian Road, cross to the right-filter lane on Shandwick and straight down over Dean Bridge. On the way back, you came up Dean Bridge to the lights outside Ryan's bar, onto the right filter for Lothian road, and then away into the distance.

    In latter days it was all screwed up so that getting from Dean Bridge to Lothian Rd is horrendously diverted (it was quicker just to become a pedestrian and walk over the junctions).

    Having a terrible diversion which is also of third-world quality is just rubbing salt in the wounds...

    Posted 13 years ago #
  15. spytfire

    don't get me started on railings
    Moray Place/Great Stuart really p!$$£$ me off
    looks like they need to lower the kerb and put a filter lane on like they have at the corner of Gorgie/Ardmillan

    Posted 13 years ago #
  16. LaidBack

    "They should remove railings as soon as possible"

    For anyone who doesn't know where Gifford Park is -

    Hey.. it even has a Sustrans arrow on it.
    I never knew that. You've got to admit that this is a fine example of bike impedement in our Scottish capital and places bikes below wheelie bins.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  17. Arellcat

    ...a fine example of bike impedement in our Scottish capital and places bikes below wheelie bins.

    But of course, we knew that already. :-(

    Presumably the railings are there to prevent speeding pedestrians, who have to swerve to avoid slow moving and emergency-stopping pedestrians, from falling onto the road and into the way of speeding cyclists, who then have to swerve into the path of speeding cars. See, there's method in the madness, easily solved by banning pedestrians.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  18. LaidBack

    That order of priority was composed 11 months ago and seems to be still true. At least there are some things we can rely on!

    Actually I think I'll ask Danny MacAskill to do an alternative Sustrans tour jumping over all the obstacles in his way.

    The NCN 1 Urban Assault Course Challenge

    Posted 13 years ago #
  19. ruggtomcat

    excellent idea, tho he might get lost.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  20. chdot

    Gifford Park today -

    Posted 13 years ago #
  21. Dave

    Welcome to Edinburgh - where people cycle despite the council, not because of it.

    Posted 13 years ago #

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