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Playing Out (in Edinburgh?)

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  1. chdot

    There was a presentation at last night's Women's Cycle Forum about closing streets so that children (and older people) could play.

    Although the original thinking was about 'somewhere to play' and streets being 'not just places for parents to leave their cars', it has become clear that where it is done regularly, children play with others from different age groups.

    They also get to know some of the adults/parents as they start talking while 'keeping an eye on the children'. So many benefits beyond 'somewhere to play football/cycle'.

    Great website

    "Close to 100 streets in Bristol have now played out since the idea took root"

    Great video

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    No groups in Edinburgh (yet).

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. sallyhinch

    Might be soon! Lots of enthusiasm last night from attendees at the forum. Watch this space

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. chdot

  4. Tulyar

    Back in 1990's John Grimshaw kicked this off in Bristol by promoting a private road closure for his street, and getting Bristol City Council to make process simpler for those living in a street to apply for road closures.

    In 1995 the GSA started to have closure of Renfrew Street on degree day with a street party in the evening, now a regular annual event (only compaint is that the sounds of party travels over the M8 and gets focused by buildings on Woodlands Hill - so no issues close to party but noisy almost 1km away.

    Really not a problem getting a road closure for residential streets - and temporary TRO's often taken out for crane work, and bridge works. Biggest issue is making sure the Council delivers proper alternative routes for pedestrian and cycle traffic.

    You just need to get the organisation to apply and ensure no local objections hold up process

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. fimm

    Tulyar my understanding is that for "Playing Out" the street isn't absolutely closed, in that residents may drive to and from their homes. They just have to drive at walking pace with someone shepherding them along. So I'd expect to be able to walk or cycle through without issue.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. chdot

    @ Fimm/Tulyar

    That's my understanding too, though I get the impression this puts 'pressure' on to get quite a few adult 'supervisors' before councils let 'events' go ahead.

    It's a long way from the old idea of play streets where kids played and cars 'obeyed the rules' (or perhaps didn't).

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. chdot

    Was hearing yesterday that several people/groups in Edinburgh are wanting to shut streets.

    CEC is being supportive.

    Seems there are different rules for one-offs and regular events.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. fimm

    Sallyhinch's sister's blog is very good about the play street she's involved with: this is her post about their first ever play street.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. chdot

    From link


    Apparently it was the Bishop of Stepney, Trevor Huddleston, who suggested in an interview published in The Times in 1976 that Britain preferred cars to children.* He was commenting on streets designated as ‘play streets’ becoming overcrowded with cars.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. davidsonsdave

    I contacted my neighbourhood team (ccing Cllr Robson) about the process involved in getting the Temporary Traffic Order needed for a Play Street but have heard hee-haw so far!

    Will try to catch Thomas from Dad's Rock on Sunday to chat to him about how he did it.

    That reminds me, do folks know of the Father's Day Family Takeover at the Museum on Sunday? Free fun for the whole family!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. sallyhinch

    Do get in touch with Playing Out if you need help/support - they're very good and can probably also put you in touch with others locally. My sister definitely benefited from the moral support she got (especially during the battle to get her street designated a regular play street, opposed by one particular woman who insisted it would attract paedophiles to the area...)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. chdot

  13. sallyhinch

    Play street closures in Glasgow - through Play on Pedals

    Posted 9 years ago #
  14. weezee

    @davidsonsdave (and anyone else), any update on how you are getting one? I'm about to try to get the ball rolling for my street.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  15. chdot

  16. davidsonsdave

    @weezee, apologies for the delay in responding - we have just got back from holiday. I eventually got a response (see below) from my neighbourhood team.

    "Dear Mr DavidsonsDave,

    Please accept my apologies for not responding to you sooner.

    At this time the City of Edinburgh Council does not have a process to promote ‘Playing Out’. As we have had several requests now to assist residents in developing ‘Playing Out’ for their street, an initial meeting has been held with my colleagues Citywide to identify the need for a formal process to be developed.

    I can confirm that a wider meeting with our Area Roads Managers, Senior Play Development Officer, Legal Team and Roads Events Team has been organised to establish a formal process.

    In the meantime the current process to close a street is to apply to our Road Services Events Team. I have attached an application form for your information.

    Once a formal process has been developed I will ensure you are provided with details.

    Kind regards,"

    If anyone wants a copy of the road closure application form then please pm me. I can't find contact details of the Roads Events Team and the application form mentions guidance criteria for Road Services charging policy which I also cannot find on the council website. I can also provide these once I get these.

    I still haven't actually managed to chat to Thomas from Dad's Rock about this but will keep you updated. From the above Herald article, it seems that he has also been having problems with the current system. Hopefully if more of us badger the council with emails and requests, they will be more inclined to get the formal process set up.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  17. kaputnik

    Saltire Street in the new bit of Granton has signs up calling it a "Home Zone".

    I don't know what a Home Zone is, but from the pictures you might assume it's something like a play street. However, it looks more like a car park than anything else.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  18. davidsonsdave

    @sallyhinch Playing Out were very friendly and quick to respond. They offered to put me in touch with Thomas from Dad's Rock, who is their Edinburgh contact. If I don't catch him this Saturday, then I will send him an email!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  19. Morningsider

    kaputnik - a Home Zone is meant to be a residential street where pedestrians take priority over traffic. Cars are meant to travel at walking speed and the street layout should allow children to play out safely.

    In effect it's a UK version of the Dutch woonerf, developed in the 70s and 80s. I'm sure UtrechtCyclist knows more about this than me.

    Ironically, they were designed to ensure cars don't dominate a street. Effectively the opposite of the image you have linked to.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  20. neddie

    Saltire Street in the new bit of Granton has signs up calling it a "Home Zone".

    Wow, that's pretty grim, with the play park a hidden and isolated afterthought/prison/enclave completely enclosed by 4ft beech hedges in an office like car park.

    Turn streetview round 180 degrees to view from Kaputnik's link

    Posted 9 years ago #
  21. chdot

    Ah yes Home Zones


    the pilot Home Zones confirm the importance of focusing on the role of Home Zones in relation to children. The potential benefits of children's involvement in the process of Home Zone design and the creation of safer places for outdoor play (formal and informal) can be an important factor in identifying potential locations for Home Zones and informing the process by which projects are designed and implemented.


    Of course CEC didn't do the pilot it was supposed to -

    Posted 9 years ago #
  22. davidsonsdave

    That does look grim. I might have to cycle by there at the weekend as it must surely be better in real life, otherwise it doesn't live up to the billing of a Places for People flagship development.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  23. chdot

    There was a Home Zones conference in Stirling in 1999

    Sarah Boyack progressed the idea when she was a minister.

    If you live in Lothian (inc Edinburgh) she is one of your MSPs.

    Closing streets for a few hours, occasionally, OUGHT to be a lot easier/cheaper.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  24. chdot

  25. chdot


    @CyclingEdin: @KeithRobson hope you can speed up the process for making Playing Out easier

    @playingoutCIC @POPScotland @LAHinds



    @KeithRobson: @CyclingEdin @playingoutCIC @POPScotland @LAHinds We're actively working on it!


    Posted 9 years ago #
  26. weezee

    Thanks davidsonsdave. I've been in touch with Playing Out and Tom, who forwarded the same response from the neighbourhood team. There is a Facebook group with Edinburgh-based interested parties. Search under 'Playing Ootside - Edinburgh'. We are trying to set a date for an informal chat between us to see if we can join forces to get things going.

    Also Tom was on Radio Scotland this morning talking about Playing Out in Edinburgh - 2hours 47 mins in:

    Posted 9 years ago #
  27. davidsonsdave

    For those of you thinking of applying for a street closure for a playstreet then you need to use the standard road closure application. This does seem to oblige you to complete a risk assessment and event plan but I believe these are not as onerous as they appear.

    You can also find the criteria for Road Services charging policy mentioned in the application form. The council person stated that she didn't know how they would assess the charge but the only Play Street event to take place in Edinburgh to date, wasn't charged.

    If Edinburgh Council are serious about encouraging these, then I would expect there to be no charge. Their play stategy lists increased numbers of communities organising Playing Out street events is one of their measures of success.

    The completed the application form should be initially forwarded to

    I was told that they were in the process of developing an application process specifically for Playing Out.

    Those of you who are interested, might want to join the Playing Ootside - Edinburgh group on Facebook.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  28. chrisfl

    Hmmm we just put a bench across the road, made sure we had claimed all the parking spaces so they cars could be moved and invited all the neighbours..... probably the advantage of living on a dead end....

    Posted 9 years ago #
  29. sallyhinch

    Just come across Edinburgh Playing Out on twitter:

    Come to our #free meeting, open to all who wanna help kids play out!

    No website but there appears to be a facebook page

    Posted 9 years ago #
  30. chdot

    Last I heard was that 'wheels are grinding slowly at CEC' - for getting 'rules'/'process' agreed...

    Posted 9 years ago #

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