Hello again folks
I've been playing ingress for over a year now and it's another example of how bike gets you across town fastest. I'd love for as many people as possible to join up and come along to this event en masse on bike. I've asked people here to play before but perhaps not sold it well enough do here goes with more feeling:
Ingress is a GPS game for Android and iPhone
It's basically a map game with capture the flag and geocaching with a hint of space invaders (You don't have to follow the entire back story but you can read it at ingress.com) two teams resistance and enlightened. I'd seriously appreciate folks join the resistance to join the bike team I may be leading. There's plenty time to get familiar with the game before the anomaly
What's an anomaly?
Well every so often these flags or portals as they are known get extra points in cities across the world where each team tries to capture certain zones and hot portals. That's where the bike team can strike fastest and help to win the day. Edinburgh is a satellite city on the 14th November the main location being Hamburg. Hundreds of people visit each city and there are gatherings, parties, beer and swag to collect.
How do I start?
Download ingress from the app store on your device
Join the resistance they're the ones defending mankind
View the many training pages on ehresist.co.uk g+ group or fb.ehresist.co.uk Facebook pages, get to know the team and ask questions
Get outside and visit portals, "hack" them for kit and keys. Deploy your resonators (flags) if there's an empty slot, if it's enemy you may need help from a higher level player to smash it up for you or look on the map ingress.com/Intel for uncapped portals. If you go to a nearby portal and they're both the same colour and you got a key you can link. Link three in a triangle make a "field" (smaller the better) links cannot cross other links so again smashing will take you more distance and get more exercise (there's points for that too)
There's badges for all kinds of activities in game.
But why?
It's rewarding to see new parts of town you wouldn't otherwise visit
It's fun to meet other agents
Beer. If that's your thing.
Anywhere you go in the world you can find portals and get unique points, meet friendly agents who will show you around and give better tips than trip advisor.
It's motivation to get even more exercise.
But why the resistance?
It's my team and I genuinely believe we've got the best people certainly the most relaxed easy going and friendly team. Politics aside it's for team human. And currently we're in need of the numbers so joining the enlightened would be less fun as there's less to do and less points to score spending in where you are in town.
Is there in game chat?
Ooh yes and then some, best going to the g+ group for secure chat but there us a faction tab in the games comms you can ask questions to users with the @spytfear handle you'll get hold of me and I'll help guide anyone. Noob comm it's when you try to talk to team mates in the all comms tab and the opposition get to see it, we've all some it hence g+ hangouts chat.
How fast fast well I level up?
Given how many portals there are added since I started really fast, given the rate they turn over even faster than I leveled up. From level 6 the weapons get decent and worth using, before that it's all about capture deploy link and field and you will get help "farming" for keys, gifts of capsules of kit and tips from old hands. When you hit level 8 that's as high as the kit goes! Extra levels up to 16 merely increase your energy bar before you need to use a power cube.
Isn't it ask a bit complicated?
To begin with yes, but that's another fun part, each day you learn something new each level brings new challenges, badges come into play after level 8 but there's always something new to do.
What if I'm not out much and can't get to level 8?
The anomaly is still for you. In fact more for you as you'll level up so fast. Low level players can still capture portals and install all important shields.
Shield? What?
Yes portals can get modifications, two per user, shields, weapons, multi hack, heat sinks to chill them down, link amps to link to other countries
Other countries?
Yes there have been fields across continents before, entire arctic circle has been done, people coordinate Kerr transport and link clearance for ages on major ops which can be during or outside anomaly time.
The back story goes that CERN found a new exotic matter XM and it comes from an unknown source, perhaps dimension. Portals are places buildings monuments etc that have been added by players there the XM punches through. You gather it as you move around the map use it to fire weapons and deploy. The back story goes that there are aliens called the shapers who wish to field over human minds and control them, resistance fields shield from mind effects.
Aliens? Really?
Yes I said you can ignore the back story and just play the game for the exploration and exercise meeting people etc as most people tend to do.
Yikes that was long, sorry. Do please give it a try even for a week and see what fun it can be, ping me on comms @spytfear and let me know if you do