@gembo - looks like they just will use existing Russel Road pavement and the very sharp ramp that is not usable by hand Cycles and some cargo bikes and trikes.
Route is good but has some climbing. Not a problem for e-riders as cycling de-humanises.*
* Uses less human power with more power assist bikes. People still required to pedal bikes of course!
CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure
Roseburn - Canal link (new Dalry route)
(777 posts)-
Posted 5 years ago #
A transparent tube, with engravings and/or coloured, over the main line would look utterly fantastic.
Posted 5 years ago # -
would look utterly fantastic
Yes, but no, but yes. Be careful what you wish for!
SECC Rail Bridge by Bora Horza, on FlickrActually it's not as bad as all that, though it gets incredibly hot in summer, and is locked overnight as far as I recall.
Posted 5 years ago # -
New route is a mix of zig zag to gain height and direct once aligned to roads. The parklets will of course benefit residents wishing to dog walk but might be less attractive at night.
Also e-bikes zipping up and around may cause conflict but can understand that it's easier to sell project if shared use.
Not sure if velo would get round corners @arellcatPosted 5 years ago # -
Does this include the path along the WAR? The diagram has it in but possibly as if it already exists?! Perhaps the existing muddy desire line is now so well established it counts as an existing route.
Posted 5 years ago # -
Update coming on 11/06. There still hasn't been a planning application which was previously planned for November (2019).
@jonty Probably a bit late but it should indeed. Designs from one of the consultations an age ago, although I believe the path will now be 4m and delineated: https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/sfc/roseburntounioncanal/supporting_documents/7.%20WAR%20Toucan.pdf
Posted 4 years ago # -
That report due on 11/06 finally turned up: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s25014/Item%206.7%20-%20Roseburn%20to%20Union%20Canal.pdf
A large portion of the report surrounds the impacts on trees but some relevant bits:
"increasing the path width to 4.0m to provide additional space for both pedestrians and cyclists"
"As Planning Consent will be required for the project, work is underway to prepare for the Planning Application to be submitted in August 2020."
"As part of this process, the contractor has produced a feasibility report, which indicates a projected construction cost of £4.8 million."
"To progress the project to the delivery stage it is now necessary to undertake a package of enabling works, comprising of site clearance, ground investigation works and excavations to locate existing underground services... Subject to the approval of this report the enabling works are programmed to commence in September 2020"
"It is expected that this approval would be sought in early 2021 and that delivery of the project would commence in late spring or early summer 2021 and take around a year to complete."
Posted 4 years ago # -
@CycleAlex - thanks for keeping an eye on this. So there are moves afoot or apedal...
Posted 4 years ago # -
Planning submission made:
Posted 4 years ago # -
Gorgie Dalry community council were broadly in favour of the Roseburn-canal link when I was a member. They have this article about it on their website:
https://gorgiedalrycc.org.uk/2020/08/14/dalry-community-park-from-train-station-to-local-greenspace/Posted 4 years ago # -
@daisydaisy - Good for Gorgie Dalry CC, compared to some Community Councils I could mention.
The history is interesting. The play park never seems to work very well, and never feels welcoming to the public. I hope this route will make it more open to residents.
In 1998 the park came under threat when a developer proposed to destroy most of the land in order to build a superstore car park
Cripes - exactly what Dalry needs, a superstore car park.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Positive coverage in the EEN:-
"Stuart Hay, director of Living Streets, tweeted: “This looks genuinely exciting and transformative and has something of the NY High Line about it where active travel meets green infrastructure.”
The High Line is a 1.45-mile-long elevated linear park, greenway and rail trail created on a former New York Central Railroad spur on the west side of Manhattan.
Mr Hay said: “This is a really welcome project - it’s walking, cycling and green space in a densely packed part of Edinburgh.
“It’s exactly the type of project we need in the pandemic for people getting out, walking, cycling in the city.”
Posted 4 years ago # -
Deadline for comments is 30th September (Wednesday).
Currently has
Objections: 13
Supporting: 10Posted 4 years ago # -
Still 13 objections but 12 supporting now so cuh mon everybody
Posted 4 years ago # -
Supported. Couldn't face the whole slew of documents so was non-specific.
Posted 4 years ago # -
I've added a supporting comment. Now 19 for, 15 against. But the actual comments don't seem to be viewable, so there's no knowing what people are objecting to.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Or supporting
Posted 4 years ago # -
Spokes comments:-
Spokes strongly supports the proposed Roseburn to Union Canal path link. It will fill a gap between the existing cycle network to the west and north-west of the city and the existing and planned network to the south and south-east. Given all these purposes we are pleased to see the planned width of 4m.
However, we have concerns on some details of the current planning application (20/03561/FUL) and trust you will take these points fully into account.
Russell Road
Provision needs to be made for northbound cyclists approaching on Russell Road and heading for the Roseburn Path (National Cycle Route 1).
Nothing has been done to improve the right turn out of Russell Road to the Roseburn Path. About a year ago there was a plan to put an island in the road at the corner to help cyclists turn right here, but this does not appear in the current drawing. The shared footway to the north of the railway bridge is well over 4 metres wide; if it could be made 4 metres, like the rest of the path, there could be room for an island.
If an island cannot be put at the corner, there should be one to the north of Sauchiebank, and conspicuous signage to direct cyclists coming north along Russell Road to turn right there for the Roseburn Path.
Service Vehicle Access
We query the need for a service vehicle access direct from the West Approach Road. If it has to be there, it should be protected by sturdy gates to prevent unauthorised intrusion.
Crossing of the West Approach Road
We support the idea of a toucan crossing of the West Approach Road and keeping the subway, but have criticism of the detail.
The southern approach is only 1.7 metres wide, too narrow for two cyclists to pass. Here there is likely to be a build-up of traffic, with northbound users having waited and southbound users coming in a batch, so if anything the path should be wider here, not narrower. Is there any need to keep the steps down to the subway, given that there is a ramp as well? If not, the whole width of the path could be used for the approach to the toucan.
There is also a curious slight narrowing of the northern approach close to the toucan (at point 1030.000).
Telfer Subway
We are glad that the connection to the north end of the Telfer subway is retained, for access to the Caledonian Crescent area. The drainage ditch where this path crosses into the subway passageway must be removed or re-designed; we know of at least one crash which has been caused by this. The chicane next to it must be moved further west.
Extension to Morrison CrescentThe key plans on the main drawings show the route extending to Morrison Crescent, and plan 6 shows the start of the path. The main plans are numbered 1 to 6 'of 9', but drawings 7 to 9, presumably covering the route between Telfer Subway and Morrison Crescent, are missing. Is the Morrison Crescent extension (the easiest bit to be built) to be the subject of a separate application?
Posted 4 years ago # -
Hear hear on the Russell Road island. Got taken off the bike there in springtime at the start of lockdown by a car cutting the corner - my right forearm took the wing mirror clean off. Driver was apologetic, like that changes anything. Given the febrile times, I neither attended hospital nor reported it to the police - paid for it with several days of extreme discomfort.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Made a short comment of general support.
Posted 4 years ago # -
@Murun - might be worth mentioning that to local councillors. https://www.crashmap.co.uk/Search shows two other crashes involving cyclists at that corner in the last few years too.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Objections: 15 Supporting: 29
C'mon folks, keep going... it takes two minutes to add a note of support...
Posted 4 years ago # -
@neddie: careful now, Cllr Webber will be denouncing the organised campaign of support.
Posted 4 years ago # -
I'm tempted to object for a laugh.
Posted 4 years ago # -
We have been granted an extension to provide a response as the Community Council until 9th of October, so that residents can discuss the plans at our public meeting on October 5th, to join email gorgiedalrycommunitycouncil@gmail.com, send us a DM or text/call 07835 908 453
Posted 4 years ago # -
That website is guff. Cannae see the comments.
Posted 4 years ago # -
That's always been the case hasn't it?
They've recently stopped listing the names/addresses of commenters (for privacy reasons, I assume), but I don't think comments themselves have normally been visible.
Posted 4 years ago # -
Dunno but;
Comments>Public Comments>View all comments>SFA
Very odd 'functionality'. I wrote my comment expecting it to be public.
Posted 4 years ago # -
comments now Objections: 17 Supporting: 41
I thought it was odd that comments were hidden, and I see it says "You should note that your name, address and stance will be published on the Public Comments tab as soon as a decision has been reached." So, the public can't react to comments from other members of the public until after the Councillors have made their decision. (Not how some other Councils do it)
Posted 4 years ago # -
Weirdly my comment for this consultation has been remembered and then added to a comment I have not yet made objecting to a phone mast. Doesn’t quite work
Posted 4 years ago #
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