CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

Roseburn - Canal link (new Dalry route)

(649 posts)

  1. chdot

    From link

    The impact on the Council's budget is expected to be approximately £3.75 million, and this will be met from funding approved for the delivery of the Council's Active Travel Investment programme.


    Posted 4 months ago #
  2. chdot

    Talking of CEC and AT, I’ve only just realised that Daisy has left.

    Her name was on many reports - especially the *big scheme* ones.

    She also fronted things to TEC and Community Councils etc.

    Her (former) boss is about to be CEC Big Boss.

    The future is … ?

    Posted 4 months ago #
  3. neddie

    The future is "kick everything into the long grass", innit?

    This is why we don't have time to wait for the council to build mega-schemes. We need to crack on with simple traffic reduction "stick*" schemes like bus-gates, modal filters and street parking reduction.

    *Don't worry about the "carrots", they'll fall into place alright once the traffic reduction starts...

    Posted 4 months ago #
  4. neddie

    The completion date for the Roseburn to Dundee St link appears to be early October 2024*, according to the latest council report:

    (page 14).

    Let's see, eh? *Note I put the year in, for the record...

    Posted 4 months ago #
  5. chdot


    #TelferSubway to #UnionCanal

    Q: Cllrs @julebandel & @DAstonSNP ask re a temporary toucan crossing
    A: Very costly, better to await #Fountainbridge scheme

    Q: Cllr @KayleighFONeill asks if @scotgov funding non-clarity may delay this
    A: Awaiting @scotgov decisions!

    Posted 4 months ago #
  6. neddie

    Blue bridge across the Mid Calder railway was installed last night apparently (no confirmation yet it actually happened)

    Plus, drone footage of the progress

    [+] Embed the video | Video DownloadGet the Flash Video

    Posted 2 months ago #
  7. MediumDave

    @neddie Last night there was some strange rumbling noises plus a low-loader with nothing on it was moving around in a rattly fashion.

    Plus earlier in the day there was loads of plant in the "lay-by" on the West Approach Road spur to Gorgie Sainsburys.

    So something was happening. Will investigate further tonight.

    Posted 2 months ago #
  8. chdot

    The Blue Bridge will be installed on Saturday night.

    I will not be calling it the 'Mid Calder Bridge' because that is confusing

    Posted 2 months ago #
  9. Gresham Flyer

    Pedantic - and does not usually bother me with the general public because it is an easy made mistake - but interesting the Council Youtube channel uses "Western Approach Road" where in reality it is "West Approach Road". You would think they would have it right... maybe

    Posted 2 months ago #
  10. chdot

    Google Maps goes for “W Approach Road"!

    Posted 2 months ago #
  11. Morningsider

    The Council's statutory list of public roads states "West Approach Road".

    Posted 2 months ago #
  12. bakky

    Here’s the council’s X post with blue / ‘Mid Calder’ bridge installation photos:

    Posted 2 months ago #
  13. chdot

    The Telfer Subway underpass from Dalry to Fountainpark — along with the Fountainpark-adjacent bus stops on the West Approach Rd — is set to be closed overnight at the start and end of next month for works on the final approach of the ‘Roseburn to Union Canal (But Not Actually the Canal Yet)’ link. This work likely consists of the new Toucan crossing on the West Approach Rd, leading to a bridge that joins to the southern end of the Telfer Subway ramp to Dundee St, providing access to Dundee Street from the new off-road Roseburn link due to open in ‘Autumn 2024’ (which feels like it may have started…)

    Posted 2 months ago #
  14. chdot

    West Approach Rd bridge works between Roseburn St & Dundee St:

    1- Road closed citybound 2-13 Sept
    2- Road closed westbound 14-21 Sept
    3- Road closed both ways 23-28 Sept
    4- On-ramp from Dundee St closed 2-30 Sept

    Phase 1 bus diversions

    Posted 1 month ago #
  15. chdot

    Construction is well underway on the new walking and cycling link between Roseburn and Union Canal in Edinburgh

    Last week, we took a sneak peek to see how work is going for ourselves

    Posted 1 month ago #
  16. neddie

    This doesn’t look good

    (Dalry Rd bridge abutment)

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  17. neddie

    This new bridge at Fountainpark looks gey narrow for carrying pedestrians plus a major cycling artery. Hope they’ll remove the step almost immediately opposite the bridge, coz that’s a crash waiting to happen. (I suspect they won’t, as it’s also a fire exit)

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  18. Dave

    So the budget extended to £20m of bridges to avoid a modal filter on Russell Rd, but not to compulsory purchase three feet of grass from the adjacent offices to make a path that meets even the 'absolute minimum' width from the standards document?

    How very Edinburgh

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  19. chdot

    Community Drop-in Sessions

    We are delighted to inform you of two community drop in sessions and welcome your input. There will be an opportunity to find out more about the Roseburn to Union Canal Link, including Dalry Community Park and the Sauchiebank Community Garden. We want to hear your ideas and encourage you to get involved in future plans for the Community Park and Garden.

    Date - Thursday 31 October 2024
    Two Sessions - 2:00pm - 5:00pm & 6:30pm - 8:30pm
    Location - St Martins Episcopal Church 232 Dalry Road Edinburgh EH11 2JG

    You are welcome to drop in for a chat in the afternoon or the evening, whenever suits you. Our project team will be available for discussions. Now that the project is reaching completion, you have an opportunity to influence how the park and gardens will be looked after and used.

    The event will be facilitated by HarrisonStevens. Please confirm to Mike at the email address below if you do intend to attend on 31 October and whether you would simply be dropping in at some point during the two sessions or if you would like to be present for the whole of the two sessions.

    If you are able to, please print the attached out and put onto your community or centre notice board. We will be putting posters up in local shop windows over the course of the next week.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards

    Roseburn to Union Canal Team

    Mike Harrison

    Creative Director & Co Founder

    Posted 1 week ago #

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