CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

Roseburn - Canal link (new Dalry route)

(777 posts)

  1. crowriver

    "Was accused of being narrow minded"

    Methinketh Cllr Ross doth protest too much.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. SRD

    More positively the SNP candidate for holyrood seems on the ball and responded with alacrity to hank Chiefs invitation for a wee ride around town.

    Maybe something good *will* come out of this.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. HankChief

    Yeah. He seems to saying the right things - albeit at odds to his Cllr colleague.

    Will set up a wee jaunt with him early next year.

    Meanwhile I think I know the topic of my 2nd blog (promise to make it shorter than my first!)

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. chdot

  5. HankChief

    Would anyone mind if we moved the Roseburn - Leith consultation chat back onto the Other thread

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. chdot

    Good idea!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. gembo

    No objection to a separate thread or return to the other thread but the creep on the thread mirrors another good thing (I like CCE thread drift as it is one of the contributing factors to what it is that makes the forum less boring than most bicycle websites). The other good thing is the creep of the route. The stealth segregated network strategy. As the route now runs from fountain park / canal down to roseburn and from there to leith. Which is cool.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. chdot


    Bizarrely it is now pondering a proposal to replace a subway beneath the busy Western Approach Road with a Toucan crossing and to install a new cycle and walking route, having delayed the installation of CCTV cameras on the grounds that these would be too costly.


    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. HankChief

    Remember deadline for this consultation (Roseburn to Dalry) is Tuesday 5th January so get your comments/support in.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. gembo

    I have filled this in (a while back) and so has my wife (life of Brian reference.) more recently.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. crowriver

    @chdot, you have to love how Tories like Jamieson uses a term such as "council budget squeeze" as though it were some kind of inevitable force of nature, an inexorable fate determined by the gods, rather than a deliberate political decision by the Tory government, or indeed the SNP government.

    The whole tenor of the article treats reduction in public spending as a good thing in itself, which is the most right wing Thatcherite monetarist position. Presumably lower public spending is "good" because it allows comfortably off individuals like Jamieson to argue for lower taxes, in order to benefit themselves at the expense of those who rely on public services.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. crowriver

    Filled out that consultation. Really hope the proposals go ahead.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. drnoble

    Have just filled this in, after re-reading the comments on this thread. I have copied my comments below, in case others are interested.

    4) It looks as though the raised table on the road into Sauchiebank is not quite in the right place, but I am sure that will be resolved in the detailed design. I am not sure of the requirement for the change in horizontal alignment on the slope to slow cyclists, however if something is required, this should be a much better solution than chicanes, which create conflict by forcing all path users into a narrow gap.

    5) The bridge crossing of both the Midcalder rail line, and Dalry Road will be of great benefit, and the current proposals look well thought out.

    6) Improved access to green space is another welcome benefit of the proposed scheme, especially if additional landscaping can be carried out to improve what is currently scrubland.

    7) Locating the cycle route around the edge of the Dalry Park will hopefully reduce conflict with other users, without increasing the length of path much, which I support.

    8) Closing the Telfer Subway and installing a Toucan crossing on the West Approach road is a welcome proposal. This would allow significant improvements to the ramp between the Fountainpark development and 160 Dundee St, making it better for both those on bicycles and those in wheelchairs/mobility scooters, who must find the existing ramped steps difficult if not impassible. The consultation website suggests that a link to the Union Canal will be provided via Dundee St and Gibson Terr, which will be consulted on separately. I look forward to seeing these proposals, as they will add significantly to (and indeed need to form an integral part of) this Roseburn to Union Canal Path Link.

    9) Presumably the section of the West Approach Road between Drysdale Road and the new Toucan crossing will be reduced to 30mph. Building a shared use path alongside this road is also to be welcomed, as it appears to be a significant desire line at present, and should be an easy win.

    11) I appreciate the cost of a new bridge across the tram and Edinburgh-Glasgow rail lines will be very expensive, which precludes it from this proposal. However, it would be good if some thought could be given to how this might be implemented in future, so that the development does not jeopardise this. The current proposals, with an improved link under the railway lines are a good alternative. Hopefully improved lighting can be provided under the railway lines as part of this scheme, and the pavement made wider if possible. On this section (and elsewhere) I hope that the radius of corners on the cycle-path can be at least a few metres, as the right angled corners on the recently completed Meadows NCN1 link can be somewhat tricky, especially if there is someone coming the other way or for those on non-standard bikes.

    12) Overall I strongly support this proposed development. Along with the other similar schemes that the council are proposing, plus the recently completed Meadows NCN1 link, this will significantly improve cycling and walking in Edinburgh, which will make the city much nicer to live and work in. The council is to be commended for proposing this high quality off-road cycling and walking link. I am sure it will enable many more people to enjoy the benefits of both the excellent North Edinburgh Path Network and the canal towpath.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  14. gembo

    My wife not a cyclist. She just ticked the car driver box at the start. I think it prudent to see if you can get your non cycling companions to also support this consultation, as my better half does.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  15. neddie

    Have done the consultation.

    One of the comments I added was to suggest that a steep but direct 'shortcut' route be added for mountain-/low-geared- bikes to cut out the zigzag slalom at the Sauchiebank end. I'm sure a desire-line will form here anyway if they don't do it.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  16. SRD


    Posted 9 years ago #
  17. wingpig

    Does anyone know of any nice enclosed bridges to recommend as examples, if the mid calder bridge has to be enclosed? I can only think of the manky mildewed-perspex thing by the transport museum in Glasgow.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  18. Rosie

    I stressed that this won't just benefit cyclists but walkers as well, from the Water of Leith walkway at Roseburn across to the canal. It should be a pleasant route through green space and over some bridges whereas you would only walk along Russell Road out of necessity/looking for moody pictures of alienated urban living.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  19. gembo

    Enclosed to stop jumpers? The one wingpig mentions at finnieston not nice, very similar to the above ground tunnels that linked the different parts of shotts prison like a human sized hamster maze.

    The artisit's impression is nice metal lattice

    Posted 9 years ago #
  20. wingpig

    @gembo Also to stop people interfering with the train's electricity? GSR and Stenhouse bridges are not enclosed, but perhaps have greater vertical distance from the wires.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  21. jdanielp

    Just caught up with this entire thread and completed the survey. It all looks surprisingly positive - let us hope that the proposals don't get derailed by silly arguments.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  22. Rosie

    @jdanielp It doesn't conflict with drivers except for the toucan at the Telfer Subway and it doesn't use up any road space. So it should be fairly uncontroversial.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  23. Rosie

    On new bridges - that one above the West Approach Road from Conference Square to Rutland Square is attractive.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  24. Stickman

    "So it should be fairly uncontroversial."

    Other than the foaming at the mouth "ZOMG! They don't pay road tax so why should us law abiding hard pressed hard working motorists pay for this useless path when they can use the road apart from they should get off the road and onto the pavement but get off the pavement Lycra helmets red light jumping......" brigade.

    Hopefully the council will ignore this lot.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  25. Stickman

    Given the extensive and useful threads on the various plans, do we know if anyone from the council cycling team reads this forum?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  26. Dave

    I've responded too. Hard to see any downsides of this one, and in fact the more money they spend connecting to that end of NEPN the more hope there is that the tram extension won't totally destroy it when it comes.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  27. I'd like to think the vocal antis are like the vast army who were petitioning / liking a Facebook campaign / 'endlessly researching' the evidence and who were going to bring Edinburgh to a standstill with their EEN-supported-and-well-publicised 'Say No To 20' demo march: all mouth and no trousers!

    I'd also like to think that the council as learned from experience that those railing against a safer and more pleasant environment are usually far outnumbered by the pro supporters, despite the huge noise and fuss they make.

    If only we could encourage those who were 'for' the change more vocal and more visible to the media....

    Posted 9 years ago #
  28. gembo

    @stickman, my colleague who is in the council cycling team is aware of the forum. I was mentioning the positivity of the discussion here and he encouraged me to go on the consultations and be positive, which I did.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  29. Greenroofer

    @stickman: I concur with gembo. I've spoken to two members of the cycling team over the past 6 months, and they are both very aware of this forum.

    One said, when I mentioned it "They are all very negative on that forum". It does prompt the thought that it may sometimes be a bit dispiriting for them to read us criticising what they've done (sometimes with justification), but rarely saying 'thank you' for it.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  30. chdot

    "It does prompt the thought that it may sometimes be a bit dispiriting for them to read us criticising what they've done (sometimes with justification), but rarely saying 'thank you' for it."

    I think that generally the criticism on here is mostly aimed at 'the council' especially over things like Leith Walk and George Street which basically AREN'T Cycle Team projects.

    Even where the CT is largely responsible, it can't just do things in a vacuum. As people here are well aware, there are many pressures from within the council (and from outside) to do with 'traffic flow' and not being seen to 'disadvantage motorists (and the latter being a concern of politicians more than officials), etc.

    There are times (and projects) where I would argue (and have done) that there has been too much timidity, lack of ambition and compromise. But I am also well aware that I don't work within a system where there are myriad opinions and options about 'transport' and 'civic space' and 'active travel' and 'health' etc. etc.

    There may well be some degree of negativity on here, much of it due to frusration by people who know what might/could/should be.

    This has also led to the emergence of PoP - which clearly isn't directing its desires and demands at CEC or its cycle staff.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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