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Roseburn - Canal link (new Dalry route)

(777 posts)

  1. Rosie

    @ Greenroofer

    When actually communicating with a councillor I always do say thanks for whatever piece of infrastructure has last been built. Also, I can see that they represent competing interests and have to reconcile them.

    As for this Canal link it comes as an unexpected gift.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  2. HankChief

    What has always struck me with dealing with officers is the large amounts of considerations they have to have to think about to get anything done. Makes it hard not to end up with everything compromised or simply left as the status quo.

    I've also never quote worked out what powers the councillors have (outside of committee meeting) as they often seem to just be a postbox forwarding on queries / concerns to officers. I'm sure there is more done behind the scenes though.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. wingpig

    'One said, when I mentioned it "They are all very negative on that forum". It does prompt the thought that it may sometimes be a bit dispiriting for them to read us criticising what they've done (sometimes with justification), but rarely saying 'thank you' for it.'

    As a forum it's surely natural for it to contain lots of "watch out for this" and "when here, be aware of" stuff?
    Is it not ultimately helpful for them to see the reasons why things are sometimes not overwhelmingly positively received? Surely it helps to read that the two right-hand turns onto Hermit's Croft from the new segregated lane are non-ideal due to being far too narrow or that people seem to be getting confused by the lane markings at the east end of North Meadow Walk?

    Hopefully a bit of constructive negativity is still far better than the "IT'LL DESTROY THE WORLD" insanifroth they have to put up with from Concerned Local Residents at consultations and drops-in.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  4. PS

    Does anyone know of any nice enclosed bridges ... ?

    I fear that the main (only) criterion Network Rail considers for bridges over the railway is protection of its asset below.

    Therefore expect something boxy and enclosed by high walls, perhaps so high that there is no view of the railway at all.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. acsimpson

    Is the footbridge over Leith Street enclosed?

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. fimm

    Did that consultation too.
    All consulted out.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. Arellcat

    Phew, all consulted out here too. I really hope they build it. After the mammoth nikpickery on the into-town one, this proposal has genuinely excited me.

    Does anyone know of any nice enclosed bridges to recommend as examples, if the mid calder bridge has to be enclosed? I can only think of the manky mildewed-perspex thing by the transport museum in Glasgow.

    The completion of the Bridge to Nowhere in Glasgow – now the Anderston Bridge – required almost total enclosure of the section over the hotel car park. It looks fine and works fine (even though the gradient is on the steep side, and the tarmac surface seems to be migrating a bit). The red fibreglass tubular bridge over the Clydeside Expressway by the SECC on the other hand is useful but a bit unpleasant.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  8. cc

    The bridge over the ECML at Portobello (map) isn't enclosed - if that helps

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. chdot

  10. Klaxon

    The Portobello bridge isn't up to modern standards which call for nearly 2.0M high walls on bridges crossing railways.

    That's not to say they can't have windows in them, which of course they can.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. kaputnik

    There's a very large new footbridge over the tracks just south of Stirling Station which is enclosed up to that sort of height with glass panels, frosted in the lower half, clear in the upper.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. Stickman

    Some good news today:


    Good to see 95% community support for Union canal - Russell Road cycle path, following consultation exercise."

    Consultation summary to be published very shortly...

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. Fountainbridge

    Think there were major delays with the Stirling (forthside) bridge and it went over budget.

    With the Russel Road to canal link I'm surprised 5% objected. I'd say a few may have objected to the crossing of the WAR, possibly a few objections from the properties agacent to the Dalry Road bridge.

    At the moment the area around kwikfit on Dundee Street and along to Drysdale Road is supposed to be being upgrade as part of new high school works. Doesn't sound like it's being future proofed (works due to start 1/12/2015 but nothing as yet)

    Gavin Corbett ‏@gavincorbett
    @fountainbridge The scheme still has to get planning consent etc and, I believe, would start at Russell Rd end so some way away still.

    Viewforth Bridge plan -
    Gilmore Place Plan -

    Capture3 by Paul fae Fountainbridge, on Flickr

    Posted 9 years ago #
  14. Stickman

    The consultation page for this project says that "feedback" is due today. Does this mean that the summary of responses will be published today, or do we have to wait for the transport committee papers to be issued?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  15. wingpig

    Feedback from one bit of the council to another, unless the gathering/collating bit was being performed by consultants Atkins?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  16. wingpig

    Sorry, wrong consultants for this thread. From the sound of it when it came up earlier it sounded like it meant that the transport committee got the full findings.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  17. Stickman

    Frank Ross has said he supports this plan. So he can support cycling, just as long as it doesn't inconvenience anyone and is out of the way.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  18. crowriver

    "So he can support cycling, just as long as it doesn't inconvenience anyone and is out of the way."

    Standard SNP approach to any transportation that doesn't involve four wheels and vroom vroom noises.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  19. SRD

  20. wingpig

    That's really odd; as it's the EEN you can't help but expect the next paragraph to be the bit where someone starts moaning about it.

    Maybe later today they can run a "EEN comment-bots decry £1m spending on cyclists' vanity bridge" or somesuch.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  21. cb

    Maybe EEN read the comments as they've edited the page to use a £ sign instead of a $.

    It still references a 'toucan bridge' at the WAR though.

    Does anyone know where the new images referenced by the article can actually be seen? The Consultation and Project pages don't seem to be carrying any updates.

    The picture in the EEN story isn't new (I don't think).

    Posted 8 years ago #
  22. Stickman

    Is this a new picture? I seem to remember that the consultation docs had a very similar one.

    Maybe the EEN were short of cycling clickbait so dug around for this.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  23. SRD

    the tweet that linked to the article was something like 'what do you think of bridge'? so i expected negative comments, but no they were just fishing. you;don't dig up anyone to say anything nasty for the article, i guess.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  24. wingpig

    This is the PDF (last modified 16/11/2015) on the consultation website containing that computer's impression and contains a reference to "painted steel".

    Posted 8 years ago #
  25. Why do they have to build a new bridge when there is one already? We just need to convert West Approach Rd into a cycle/pedestrian superhighway and remove the motor traffic.

    Motorists already have a perfectly fine alternative route along Gorgie Rd., why do they need two roads?

    Motorists like to drive right up to the shops but there aren't any shops along West Approach Rd. so it really doesn't make any sense to let motorists use it.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  26. neddie

    We just need to convert West Approach Rd into a cycle/pedestrian superhighway and remove the motor traffic

    Or remove the through traffic from Gorgie, since motors already have the WAR (and there are more shop/facilities in Gorgie for cyclists to use :) )

    Posted 8 years ago #
  27. Very bizarrely, there are two new retail units on the WAR. They just haven't been let yet.

    They are officially addressed West Approach Road!

    Posted 8 years ago #
  28. chdot


    Possible resting places include further down Leith Walk, where it could provide the “missing link” for a planned cycle path and pedestrian walkway between Portobello and Leith.

    Or perhaps it could replace proposals for a £1 million bridge across Dalry Road.


    Posted 8 years ago #
  29. cb

    "The council could even consider extending the structure to provide a safe crossing to Cramond Island, a move that would surely be welcomed by coastguards."

    A brilliant suggestion. They obviously haven't considered the option of moving the island closer to the shore which would save money on having to extend the bridge.

    Personally I'd like to see it connect Balcarres St to the Royal Ed.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  30. gembo

    Extend it by half a mile???

    How about over the water of leith linking the WoL path to the nice, new and quiet sainsburys at longstone? I think a bridge was originally suggested there

    Posted 8 years ago #

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