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  1. chdot

    For those who don't know where MMW is (or that that means Middle Meadow Walk) it's here.

    The café mentioned in the café thread is under the front wheel.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. gembo

    There are some tiny people going down middle meadow walk these days, unless Danny Mc has pulled off a huge jump, or maybe it is just a perspective thing?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. chdot


    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. chdot

    Incidentally what to do 'we' think about the amount of 'cyclists as props' in adverts - apart from the fact that people in advertising agencies often ride bikes.

    Perhaps more interesting is the fact that someone with a wholly unique job is used to advertise a site that will have more mundane employment opportunities?

    Posted 15 years ago #
  5. gembo

    interesting point, Danny loves his job and any time I have ever seen him he is smiling. I cannot imagine this is typical of jobs on that website, maybe I am wrong. I do like to see a young person wearing a helmet though.

    There was a miller lite ad set in san francisco where the guy [sans helmet] cycles downhill to the store for some Miller Lite [I don't drink the stuff but the advert has worked to an extent] then he cycles downhill home. Clever and with some added meaning for the cyclists watching?

    Under late capitalism, we are all just props for some advert or other. I was sledging today down a steep but closed to traffic road with my eldest daughter and since yesterday someone had built a BMX type jump out of ice on the road, we were flying. Most fun we've had in ages. Tomorrow it will be an advert.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  6. Kim

    Anything that suggest that cycling is a normal activity has to be good. It is in other European countries, so why not here? No need for special clothing or protective head gear, just the way it used to be before Bell Sport decided there was a lot of money to be make out irrational fear.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  7. gembo

    Not quite irrational fear as I have a friend who is recovering from broken neck and back whom the medics said would be dead if he hadn't had the helmet on. When we got to the scene he was lying on the road (he had been up ahead) helmet halved in two. I'd say more rational fear.

    Posted 15 years ago #

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