I've encountered this chap on the NEPN between Coltbridge and the turn off into East Pilton Farm Rigg a number of times now on my way home - waits until I've slowed to let oncoming peds through, and overtakes at that point. He then sits in front, at a pace slower than mine so that I then have to coast / brake to maintain a safe distance, and immediately starts repeatedly gobbing over both shoulders whilst taking a more central position on the path unless there's someone coming the other way. The gobbing appears to be a deliberate attempt to keep me well away(something he wouldn't have had to worry about had he not pointlessly sneaked in front and slowed me down).
Last night I managed to pass him again safely 5 minutes later, but after encountering a few groups of peds / kids on scooters / path-wide groups of buggy pushers further on, he caught up and repeated his 'barge through the oncoming pedestrians I've slowed for' overtake.
By that point, the rain was belting down and he had no rear mudguard so there was the addition of heavy crud spray as well as further phlegm-howking, so I sat up, braked to a walking pace and let him gain some distance.
Really unpleasant. Stocky older bloke with a bushy gray beard; quite distinctive as he wears one black and one white overshoe in all weathers. Best avoided.