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Monday 29th - Ride the Route

(173 posts)

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  1. algo

    HankChief suggested we start a new thread pertaining solely to the ride on Monday. The other thread serves well for debate on the issues, but this thread is intended for logistical information and a place to post up pictures etc... on the ride itself.

    This is roughly what is proposed, but please do give opinions and advice.

    7:45 - Meet outside West Register house which is here:

    This is an opportunity to speak to any MSPs, councillors and journalist that turn up. HankChief will potentially lead an early ride at around 7:45

    8:00 - start the ride out towards Roseburn. I'll "lead" it off, but ih has kindly agreed to help. We will likely be split up at the lights going across to Melville Street from Randolph Place so anyone who knows the route and wants to help marshall would be very helpful. I The plan is to make sure we all get back together into one big group entering Roseburn for a photo opportunity under the NEPN bridge at Roseburn.

    Here's more or less the proposed route:

    The one slightly tricky area is Bishop's Walk - just south of the Cathedral. I may well have a trailer and will probably take the road around via Manor Place. I think it may be good for us to try and be one group again by the end of Melville Street so people can go either side of the Cathedral. Thoughts appreciated. This may well appear to be over-orchestration but trying to stay as one group as much as possible is a good idea I think.

    We'll take the Grosvenor fork as that is what is proposed on the route.

    At the end of the route we'll aim to congregate on the old bridge taking this route (click on pic)

    Please post any important organisation updates here for the Monday ride. I hope we can be as numerous as possible.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. chdot

    In case anyone wants to plan a route to the start -,-3.208865/West+Register+House%2C+Charlotte+Square

    Posted 8 years ago #
  3. HankChief

    Copied from the other thread...

    A few thoughts on Monday...

    Please do decorate your bikes/you - there are 40 pennants to hand out but more fun if people do their own.

    Prize for best dressed!

    Please blog/tweet/Facebook etc using #OptionA and feel free to ride and tweet about the East portion of the route on your way to Charlotte Square.

    On the ride itself, please obey all traffic signals and don't worry if we get broken into smaller chunks - if people are dressed up it should be obvious we are together - we plan to regroup on West Coates before riding into Roseburn.

    Once through Roseburn (sticking on Roseburn Terrace) we'll turn right and right and congregate by the old bridge at Murrayfield Place. Not planning any speeches, so you will be free to head off when you want, but why not try some shopping in Roseburn itself while you are there.

    I expect lots of entries into Spokes' shopping competition and I'll give a prize for the person who can buy the biggest thing. ;-)

    In the meantime make sure you and your friends/family have written to your Cllrs

    Posted 8 years ago #
  4. HankChief

    Oh & if you can't make it on the day, feel free to ride it another time and blog/tweet away...

    Posted 8 years ago #
  5. fimm

    I was thinking that I could join you - as I'm coming from the Dalry Road anyway I was just going to ride the route in reverse until I spot you.
    However I'd like to be on my 8:13 train if at all possible, so it sounds like I wouldn't get as far as Roseburn - is it worth me turning up?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  6. Claire

    What kind of best dressed are we talking about here? Fancy dress or elegant and everyday? :)

    Posted 8 years ago #
  7. algo

    Hi fimm - the more the better obviously but if you need to be on an 8:13 train then I reckon you'd miss us if you're riding it in reverse I'm afraid. You might just pass us at Roseberry to wave - sorry you can't make it.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  8. algo

    I think we should look as "normal" as possible - rather than all in luminous uniforms...

    PoP t-shirts? All try and wear the same colour? Not sure. Anyone who has been unfortunate enough to meet me would definitely agree I am not the person to ask about fashion choices....

    Posted 8 years ago #
  9. algo

    Thanks to ih and Stickman for agreeing to help coordinate this group.

    Here is a rough plan to try and make us stick together, particularly for the entrance to Roseburn itself which is the important thing.

    We'll aim as best we can to stay as one through the lights to Melville Street - this may mean waiting to bunch up at one green light phase.

    We should try to be together again at the end of Melville Street where ih will take councillors and journalists through Bishop's Walk to demonstrate how difficult existing "infrastructure" can be. I'll go up around via Manor Place as I may have the trailer and some people may prefer going that way. We'll all rejoin on Grosvenor Crescent.

    We'll be unlikely to all make it together out of Rosebery onto West Coates, so I'll ride this pretty slowly until we're all as one again - if needs be waiting at the loading bay just prior to the NEPN bridge. We'll all try and be together in the left lane going under the NEPN bridge and straight after filter out into the right lane where we'll take the lane through Roseburn as a group until the right turn onto Murrayfield Avenue.

    I was wondering if it is possible that someone takes a video of the ride to post - I don't have the requisite device.

    Any opinions regarding what to wear etc.. please post them here!

    Posted 8 years ago #
  10. daisydaisy

    I will be going in 'normal' clothes (and helmets), daughter in school uniform, doing the school run.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  11. Claire

    I was thinking dress and brogues unless it's hammering down. Then I'll wear dress, brogues and a jacket with a hood...

    Posted 8 years ago #
  12. algo

  13. Stickman

    algo: I have a handlebar camera so will be filming.

    Anyone thought of doing a Periscope of it? I could do one if someone could lend me an iPhone mount for my handlebars.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  14. steveo

    Isn't Monday an (English) bank holiday?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  15. algo

    @steveo - I believe so - not sure I understand the relevance I'm afraid

    Posted 8 years ago #
  16. ih

    " Isn't Monday an (English) bank holiday?"
    "..not sure I understand the relevance I'm afraid."

    Several organisations keep English bank holidays. It will be quieter than a normal Monday morning.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  17. algo

    Ah ok - I see. I am certainly overorchestrating then, but better that than we arrive dismembered...

    Posted 8 years ago #
  18. biketrain

    @algo. See PM

    Posted 8 years ago #
  19. I'll hopefully remember to set off a wee bit later so I can join you folks. I do like making a political point.

    Advance apologies if I'm at work by the time you set off. I know its only a few days away but remembering is 50-50 at best!

    Posted 8 years ago #
  20. algo

    @biketrain - thanks for the pm. Would be great if you could bring up the rear as you suggested.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  21. gembo

    As discussed at the barge today, we are all going to the cafe to spread the love?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  22. HankChief

    A spoke to a police friend tonight to see if we should have done something in advance. In summary, we're fine as we aren't requiring any road closures.

    We should watch out not to obstruct the roadway as we are forming / unforming and clearly obey the rules of the road.

    Nothing much can be done if we are large group of law-abiding people travelling from A to B. We might cause congestion but then so does all those sole-occupancy cars

    For those people stopping in Roseburn, the right and right into Murrayfield Place works well.

    Foe those heading off (which is perfectly acceptable) I would recommend taking a left into Roseburn Gardens and then left again into Roseburn Place (I.e Option B).

    Posted 8 years ago #
  23. chdot

    Any chance of some people who WON'T cycle all/part of current proposed route to be at start around 7:45 to talk to press/politicians?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  24. HankChief

    Good idea. We'll have the press there from 7.45am who would love to speak to people for whom this scheme will make the biggest difference.

    And if you can make it along, please do join the tweeting #OptionA

    Posted 8 years ago #
  25. Stickman

    I seem to remember that the owner of the Roseburn Cafe told daisydaisy that he was interested in seeing the material on the business benefits of bike lanes. Is there a concise article that could be printed off that we could give him on Monday when we all go in for bacon rolls?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  26. HankChief

    And if you can make it along, please do join the tweeting #OptionA

    That's should be if you *can't* make it along.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  27. chdot

    AND if you can!

    Posted 8 years ago #
  28. HankChief

    Well yes. If you can, please include photos..

    Posted 8 years ago #
  29. ih

    Is there any chance I can buy a WeWalkWeCycleWeVote T-shirt before Monday morning?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  30. chdot

    Good question!

    Posted 8 years ago #

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