Here are opportunities to make your points about the QBC from town to the King's Buildings (from the Ed Uni BUGS):
"A Quality Bike Corridor from George IV Bridge to the King's Buildings is being proposed for development by the Council.
The corridor would include new cycle lanes and bus lanes, and changes to the parking and loading restrictions along the route so these lanes aren't blocked as often by parked vehicles.
You can find further information on the proposals and plans at:
* James Clark Maxwell Building, Level 3 Cafeteria, between 15 - 18 November (9am - 5pm) and 19 November (9am - 3pm)
* King's Buildings House, The Grange Room, between 20 - 26 November (9am - 5pm)
Council staff are holding a drop-in session, where they will be able to answer any questions you may have. These will be held at:
* James Clark Maxwell Building, Level 3 Cafeteria on 16th November (12pm - 3pm)
* King's Buildings House, The Grange Room, on 25th November (12pm - 3pm)
Plans for the scheme will also be on display at Newington Library, 17-21 Fountainhall Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2LN from 15 - 29 November. Additional public drop-in sessions will be at St. Catherine's Argyle Church, 61 Grange Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1TY on 1 and 2 December (5pm - 8pm). For more information (including the scheme drawings) please visit:
If you wish to express your views or provide comments on the scheme, please email,
or write to:
Quality Bike Corridor Consultation, Freepost NAT 18051, Edinburgh, EH1 1BR (no stamp required)."