An update...
This was my brother, on his way to work in Ratho. I saw him last night he is doing ok.
It was a bad shoulder dislocation but thankfully his left shoulder (he is right-handed), they need to wait and see how it heals there may be damage to his rotator cuff which wouldn't be good.
His helmet has a dent in it apparently though he hasn't seen it, the police still have it and his bike. Note to non-helmet wearers and this was on a cycle path too.
He doesn't know how his front tyre slipped from under him as he was looking up at people as its a busy corner. He admits he was probably taking it a little fast..
No bones broken though, and he would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who stopped to help him, threw their jackets over him and waited with him til the ambulance came.
Stay safe out there folks