Spokes's comments:-
Spokes strongly supports the proposed improvements to Quiet Route 20.
The re-routing along Inverleith Place provides what looks to be a comfortable and convenient route that will attract new cyclists to use the North Edinburgh Path Network and access the Botanics , Inverleith Park, Stockbridge and other facilities in the area.
The proposal for a segregated route along Inverleith Place is very welcome as this road is often heavily trafficked and is currently not attractive to cyclists other than the bold and brave.
Linking to Carrington Road via the North West corner of Inverleith Park provides a reasonable and far more achievable alternative than continuing to the end of Inverleith Place and using East Fettes Avenue – another busy road.
A) Care will need to be taken at the cross-ways in Inverleith Park as this could become a busy spot and cyclists may be coming quite quickly southwards down the hill. More space may need to be provided here.
B) The changes at the mini roundabout to provide “tiger” crossings at each arm will make it attractive to less able cyclists but more confident cyclists may choose to use the road. Access to/from the cycleway to the roadway should therefore be made easy.
The Toucan Crossing of Inverleith Row will be a boon to all – much needed for pedestrians and cyclists but also will help motorists giving a break in the traffic stream to allow turning into and out of Inverleith Place at busy times.
C) The shared use path along Inverleith Row is a good size for sharing the space with pedestrians, however the 0.5m wide separation from the roadway traffic is not ideal for less able cyclists and can be a problem at night with cyclists facing into oncoming traffic and lights dazzling. Please would you explain what form the 0.5m separation takes.
D) The white line separation of pedestrians and cyclists may make pedestrians feel more at ease and it is sensible not to have the cycleway immediately adjacent to house entrances/driveways, but it does not make best use of the space. Faster cyclists may choose to use the road. The layout should be reconsidered.
E) The ramped access to the Goldenacre Path definitely needs improvement.
F) Consideration needs to be given to the continuation of the route through to the St Mark’s Path and linking to the East Entrance of the Botanics. The “dog-leg” (going down the Goldenacre and up the Warriston Path) is inconvenient and the junction requires more space and improved visibility to accommodate the larger number of users following these route improvements.
G) Signage needs to direct people along the existing route via Eildon Street to the Botanics East Entrance and route improvements along that section should be considered as it will form a useful link route – also to the Rocheid Path and Inverleith Terrace.