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Slovenia & Slovakia - Cycling

(9 posts)

  1. Rosie

    I'm meeting my sister in Slovenia in April. We both cycle - about 30-40 miles a day upper limit & off-tarmac but not strewn with boulders/precipitous drops etc. We'd probably do day trips rather than a tour.

    I've had a look at Slovenia and it looks like it's very good for cycling - plenty of cycle routes easy and hard. Has anyone done any cycling there?

    Haven't checked out Slovakia as yet but doesn't look so good so may just stick to public transport sight-seeing.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. paddyirish

    Would have thought Danube Cycle Path would be worth a look-Bratislava as an interesting base? I know there is a Cicerone Guide.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. Only done pootling on a hired MTB in Slovenia, in both directions out from Kranjska Gora (up in the north-west of the country). Took trips into Italy (Lago de Fusine and Tarvisio), and in the other direction to Jesenice via Mojstrana and it's Slovenian Mountaineering Museum and a nearby waterfall (though I could have continued on to Bled had I not done Italy in the same day).

    They have some fabulous segregated cycle routes, which are usually well away from any roads and go through the countryside. There are frequent picnic tables and taps to refill bottles en-route along these paths, and often enterprising farmers have opened little cafe-stops on their land next to them.

    Kranjska Gora is an alpine area, so there are lots of climbing opportunities if you have the legs for pretending you're doing a mountain stage in the TdF. You can head up the Vrsic Pass and onwards to Bovec, or try the Wurzenpass from the nearby village of Podkoren over into Austria.

    Ljubljana, the capital city,is an extremely bike-friendly, cycling city. Lots of racks of hire bikes, lots of cycle lanes and lots of people on all manner of bikes.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. chdot

    "and taps to refill bottles en-route along these paths"

    Don't suppose there are too many of those in the UK even on well used Sustrans routes.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. crowriver

    "and taps to refill bottles en-route along these paths"

    A common feature across the Balkans an Eastern Europe. By the roadside too (motorways excepted).

    Once upon a time, not so long ago, similar features used to be common in the UK. Springs, drinking fountains, and public taps were often to be found in village squares, marketplaces, near churches, etc.

    Anyway, Ljublijana: lovely place. Recommend.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. Rosie

    Ljubljana, the capital city,is an extremely bike-friendly, cycling city. Lots of racks of hire bikes, lots of cycle lanes and lots of people on all manner of bikes.

    So I saw. Sadly I didn't get on a cycle but could see how good the country and Ljubjana are for cycling. I hope I can do a proper cycle tour of it some time.

    I've written up about Europe's Green Capital of 2016 her:-

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. Rosie

    (Trying to post a pic from Flickr)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. ivangrozni

    Just reviving this thread. I have a work trip to Slovakia next week with work (Bratislava and Martin) and am toying with the idea of bringing my folder- its equipped with 23mm tires so not so confident if its icy.

    Any idea how well the cyclepaths (e.g. the Dabube cycle path) are maintained at this time of year? I see snow and sleet is forecast this weekend - would the cycle paths be cleared and gritted?

    Posted 6 years ago #
  9. chdot

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