I had accidentally assumed that the aerial shot of the bridge in your linked document was looking west but now realise it is actually looking east which is even more baffling. The inivisichip strip is heading into town (does a murder strip have to include parking?).
That basically means that the shared use footway will be isolated on the wrong side of the main flow of traffic from Burnshot Road into Edinburgh. It also means that the shared use path apparently dumps all users onto the slip road at the western end.
While extending the cycle lane to meet the NCN1 may be a small improvement, unless they find some way to stop vehicles coming south from the A90 encroaching on it then it will be pointless.
Although I appreciate that good infrastructure has to start somewhere I am not convinced that what is on offer here is good infrastructure. It is of such a short length that the reduced risk from using the shared use path is offset by the increased risk of getting to it. Meanwhile the only outcome of using the inivisichip lane is either being blocked by traffic coming up the southbound slip or having the merge back into the main flow of traffic at the eastern end.